Motherhood can be pretty isolating at times. We spend all our time with these itty bitty children and not a lot of time investing in relationships that understand what it’s like living with those children. I mean, I get it, I really do. I can remember a time I was getting ready to meet some other moms for lunch and the amount of stress it took just to get out the door about had me in tears. And then, I get to the car and the entire windshield has an inch thick sheet of ice on it. Needless to say, I said FORGET IT! I am not even leaving the house today and marched right back inside and cried.
It is hard to build relationships when you’re busy taking care of little ones. I’ve learned that friendships change a lot when you have kids, or at least I am learning. The dynamic of friendship really just boils down to someone who can encourage you in this season, whether you see them every week, or a month goes by without a play date. You need other mamas who can build you up.
Which is exactly what inspired Ludavia to start who Mom Card Movement. Read all about the dream AND sign up for your postcard! It’s FREE! Unless you want to send some to another mom yourself. Read all about that here.
“On one of the days I co-hosted Building Your Mom Tribe on Instagram, I posted the question, “How can you show your friends that you love them?” Most of the responses were sending a thinking-of-you card in the mail. Instantly, the idea for The Mom Card Movement popped in my head. If I can show other moms I care about them, that they matter and are doing a great job, I have served my purpose with the movement. The movement is simply an encouraging message on a postcard (designed by me). But, it can be just the uplifting words a mom needs to hear. Being a mom myself, I need all the encouragement I can get; so, I dove right in and started the movement without hesitation. The response to it has been great! It’s been a learning experience; but, such a fulfilling one. Through this movement, a community has formed which makes my heart so happy.”
Seriously, almost every month I forget that this post card is coming, and when it does, it comes at just on the right day. I am so thankful for this vision of Ludavia’s and am so excited to share her with you!
Thank you for sharing this so much! I am so happy to be doing this for other mamas!
Of course! I love watching this vision of yours grow!