My bad days do not define me.
My impatience does not define me.
My imperfections don’t define me.
The piles of laundry around my house do not define me.
The dishes in my sink do not define me.
The moments I yell do not define me.
The moments I cry do not define me.
The moments I don’t do it right don’t define me.
The days I put my kids to bed early don’t define me.
My mistakes do not define me.
Motherhood is not defined by when I get it wrong, when I get it right, or when I end up somewhere in between.
I am so much more than that.
Mama, so are you.
We too often let our bad days define us. We let the mistakes dictate the way we view ourselves as mothers. We put this pressure of perfection on us, and when we measure ourselves up to this standard all we see are our imperfections.
We need to stop defining ourselves by the things we do, and start looking at ourselves for who we are.
We are so much more.
Mama, you are more.
And that is exactly the message I want you to remember.
My sweet friend Rebecca at Peach & Lavender Co. jumped in on this vision creating a reminder for us all. I am so excited about these hand stamped bracelets and think they are a perfect way to remind yourself of this statement all day long.
Rebecca’s dream for her little business is to inspire those who come across her products and I believe she is doing just that. Hear from her below.
“I decided to start my business, Peach & Lavender, when I had a part time job at a restaurant. I was looking for a way to create more income for my husband and I. Then, I discovered how to make these dishes and I just fell in love with them! I love being able to choose different colors to piece together and create something beautiful. After doing that for a while, I fell in love again! I kept seeing hand-stamped bracelets and I knew my grandfather had a couple of stamping sets, so I had to try it! I love how personalized they are. I’ve had custom orders for couple’s initials, Roman numerals of an anniversary, and short quotes. Getting to share a word, phrase, or date with someone who has such a connection with it is so meaningful. My business motto is design, create, inspire, and I hope that’s what I’m doing!”
Be sure to head to her shop and check out these beautiful You Are More hand stamped bracelets and look around while you’re at it.
<3 I love this! It's true – those things do not define us! <3
Thanks sweet friend!