I love watching my children’s imaginations grow. All in one day my son goes from a police officer, to a school bus driver, to a master pancake maker, to a Paw Patrol leader, and then back to my little boy again. His imagination is always taking him places I almost can’t keep up. Watching this play out right before my eyes brings me this indescribable amount of joy. He is dreaming, and nothing makes this mama happier than seeing her children dreaming.
I have some big dreams for these kids. I want to see them grow to love and serve the Lord with all of their being. I imagine what they will do one day. I imagine the friends they’ll make. I imagine their talents being used as they grow. I imagine my daughter’s love for dance and worship being used as she grows. I dream about what life will look like as my babies grow into the person God has destined them to be.
It’s easy to dream for them, but dreaming for myself…I’ve forgotten all about.
There used to be a day where I dreamed big dreams for myself too. I wanted to write a book, I wanted to speak to the hearts’ of women, I wanted to love on children, and so much more that I have seemed to forget. I became mom and stopped dreaming for me. Almost as if I forgot how to dream. All the dreams I once had were tucked into the dark corners of my heart and I settled for being just mom.
Now, being a mom is wonderful and beautiful in so many ways. Don’t think for a minute I think otherwise. But being mom was just part of the dream, it wasn’t the ultimate dream.
There are dreams in our hearts that are there from childhood. The dreams that grow with us, the dreams that make us light up like the child within us, the dreams that our hearts long for. They never disappeared when we became mom. But we get so caught up in the dreams of our children, that we forget the dreams in our heart too. Those dreams are not meant to collect dust, they are meant to be pursued. Just because you enter into the role of mom doesn’t mean your dreams have to disappear.
Mama’s, I don’t want us to stop dreaming for ourselves. I don’t want to forget those dreams in the corners of our hearts that are meant to be fulfilled. The Lord placed every one of those desires in your heart for a reason, and He intends to use them. Let’s not allow busy motherhood to crowd who we are outside of mom.
Take a moment to dig those dreams out of your heart. Look in the corners that you buried them in, wipe off the dust, and dream again. Even if you’re not ready to step out into it, just dream. Don’t let life steal your dreams, motherhood was never meant to do that. Motherhood may be part of your dream, but there is more to you than just a mom.
Dream with me today friends, let’s see where those dreams can take us. It’s exciting to remember that there is more in our hearts than just being mom. Dream for yourself like you dream for those babies. Show them what having a dream is all about.
Dream for them, mama.
Dream for you.
So important not to lose ourselves. I’m due with my first in December and have it as a goal not to lose myself!
Good job mama! That is such an important goal to have!