You probably remember me making this exciting announcement back in September. If you happened to miss it, I will catch you up to speed. We are expecting baby number two and have been so excited!
I intended to update the blog a lot more with fun little weekly bump dates and all those little details, but when my computer broke in the beginning of October that kind of changed things. I still want to remember all these little moments and have them to look back on like I do with Jase, so hopefully I will be able to start from this point on.
If you remember in my announcement post, I mentioned the first twelve weeks had been extremely adventurous. I promised more on that and I am finally getting around to that post.
My cycles had been all over the place, so we weren’t exactly sure how far along I was. The Doctor brought me in for an ultrasound to discover just how far along I was so we would know how to schedule my future appointments. I was nervous for this appointment, just like I was for my first appointment with Jase. It doesn’t matter how many times I read that I am pregnant on a home pregnancy test, I still feel like I can’t believe it until I hear it from the Doctor. Please tell me I am not the only one who is like that?! Any how, during the ultrasound we got to see our itty bitty baby and he/she’s little flickering heart still too small to pick up the sound. Then our ultrasound technician says, “It looks like this could have been a twin pregnancy.” I kind of like froze, I wasn’t exactly sure what to say next so I laughed. The thought of twins, although double the blessing, overwhelm me just a tad. But she went on to say she didn’t think it was viable if it was a twin, but I would need to come in for a follow up. So we made an appointment for the following week.
I went back the following week and the second area was still there, but was not growing. They determined that I would need to continue coming back until it dissolved. Both of these appointments I didn’t see my doctor, just the ultrasound technician. At the first ultrasound we discovered I was 5 weeks and 5 days along. So when I went back the second time, I was 6 weeks and 5 days along and I was able to hear the little heartbeat this time. Always such an amazing moment. I came back again the following week, and again the following week finally being able to see my doctor at this appointment. He told me that they were just following up on the area thinking either it was a blood clot or a separation, if it was something serious he would bring me back in the office after the ultrasound and we would talk. So I went off to ultrasound just praying it would be gone, but it wasn’t. She went to talk to my doctor about it, who wasn’t concerned, so just sent me on my way. So, I continued to set up the weekly appointments and went back again. By this time I was pretty freaked out. I hadn’t really gotten to talk to my doctor about the situation, so I wasn’t really sure if this was serious. I had been wanting to get excited about this pregnancy, but at the same time had no idea if it was going to end up in a miscarriage. It was really hard. So when I went in at 9w5d for my ultrasound I asked the technician if I could talk to someone because I was really worried about it. My doctor wasn’t in, but she had someone call me that afternoon.
I found out they were watching a blood clot, which is actually more common in pregnancy than we think. An area that the placenta tends to bruise, so to speak, and not fully attach. So I had been put on light activity rest. The area usually resolves itself and the pregnancy continues on healthy and normal. The nurse was so sweet and so reassuring which was just what I needed. Still a little nervous about it all, I was able to relax some more and just really began asking for prayer about the situation. I tried to look on the bright side of things, from five weeks on I had the opportunity to have an ultrasound weekly and watch this baby grow. It was so cool to see the change week to week.
I went back for my 11w5d ultrasound to find that the area had completely dissolved and healed! It was such a relief to receive that news. I am so thankful for everyone who was praying for us during that time and for God keeping this precious little baby safe. It was definitely an adventurous first trimester, but I love that I have all the little pictures to look back on.

I'm so glad everything ended up being ok!!!