Mama, He sees you.
I know you are exhausted. Long days of doing the same thing over and over until you can do it with your eyes closed. Long days of getting up before the kids to get an ounce of quiet before the chaos of the day sets in. Long days of cooking, and cleaning, and diaper changing, and school preparing, and just keeping everyone alive. Long days of your husband working late. Long days of eating dinner alone. It is a lot mama, and it is overwhelming.
Mama, I know it’s so lonely. I know sometimes it feels like no one sees what you are doing. Right now, it feels like you are just surviving every moment until the day is over. I know that it is taking everything in you to hold it together, to not worry, to not stress, to not feel like it is all falling apart. I know this right here…it is hard.
Mama, He sees you.
He sees you striving to get it all done. He sees you trying to be the best mom you can be. He sees all that you do that goes unrecognized by others.
Mama, He sees you.
Mama, He knows you.
He knows what you are carrying. He knows what is weighing you down. He knows when you’re feeling exhausted, lonely, and when you don’t know if you are going to make it to bed time. He knows what you need when you need it.
When no one else knows, He knows. When no one else sees, He sees.
When your heart is overwhelmed with the weight of the world, He sees you, and He knows what you need. He isn’t saying you need to carry this load alone. He isn’t saying you should be stronger. He’s saying He’s right there with you. He knows what you need, and He sees you.
Mama, sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the seasons of change in our life, because they come a lot, don’t they? We get burdened by the weight of everything we are carrying thinking we must carry it alone. We look at our day and when everything is going well, we are on top of the world. When we are managing it, when it’s coming easy – or somewhat easy, we feel like we have a handle on it. But then the days come where we are a little off and things just don’t come as naturally, and we are weighed down by failure.
What if I told you it didn’t matter if you were on top of it or struggling to breathe? He is with you in it all. He is saying, we are in this together. You don’t have to do this alone. I see you. I know you. I will give you everything you need. You aren’t alone mama. He sees you.
You aren’t defined by the season you are in, you are defined by who He says you are. So when you feel unseen and alone, remember that He’s right there and He sees you.
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