Without thinking too long, I want you to tell me three things you think are strengths in your life as a mom. Ready? Go.
How long did that take you?
Now, I want you to tell me three things you wish you could do better as a mom. Ready? Go.
Which one of those took longer?
I would venture to say that the first one took longer. I bet coming up with three things you were really good at was really hard, but when it came to listing things you wish you did better you could probably go on forever.
In our weekly Building Your Mom Tribe chat loop last week I asked mamas to share their strengths, and you know what? It was hard. It was hard to come up with three things that we mamas could say we were good at. And when I got to thinking about it, I knew I could list a hundred things I wasn’t doing good enough.
I bet you could too.
We tend to be extremely hard on ourselves as moms. We can quickly point out where we think we are failing, and struggle to find out where we are succeeding. We put such a crazy amount of stress on ourselves that we were never meant to carry.
Here’s what I want you to know today mama, you are enough.
That’s right, you. Just you. You are enough.
You aren’t the sum of your mistakes. You aren’t even limited by what you’re good at. You are enough simply because of who you are.
You are doing a great job and you need to give yourself credit for that. I want you to see yourself as more, because you are.
You’re doing a good job mama, don’t you forget that.
Now take a deep breath and let that sink in. Now think about what you’re good at. Think about how you know those babies and just what they need. Think about the things that you do like no one else ever could. Now, tell me what you’re good at mama. I want to know.
<3<3<3 I love the truth you speak!
Thank you sweet friend! You are SO encouraging!