Have you ever had one of those very bad days? You know, those terrible days that something seems to go wrong at every corner? I had one of those today, and just for the fun of it, I thought I would share it with you all on the blog-sphere. I mean, I am already embarrassed enough, so what could hurt telling a few thousand people at my expense? If you’re a guy reading here, that’s weird. Just kidding. Kind of. Men don’t usually read this blog very often, so if you happen to be a guy who does read this little space I would stop here because girl stuff WILL be talked about. But if you choose to stay, then don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Today started off like any normal day. My hyper two-almost-three year old was ready to start the day. We had to take my husband to work this morning because I had a counseling appointment this afternoon and would need the car. He works about 25 minutes away from home and since I am doing counseling at church right now I usually stay in that area of town until my appointment.
But within minutes of being up the day took a twist. I checked the bank to find out we had gone negative and I knew that should not have happened. I discovered that one company charged us even though we cancelled services, and another company had double charged me, half being my fault but that’s a different story. So, mini crisis that I had to try and solve on the way to dropping my husband off at work.
My husband was driving, don’t worry. But then half way to church we almost got in a pretty bad accident. I still have no idea how my husband managed to avoid this one but praise the Lord he did. Some guy merge into the lane we were in despite my husband blaring on the horn alerting him that he was about to hit us. He continued to merge on over and we were sandwiched between him on our right and another car on our left until the breaks took into effect to get us out from between the two cars. We literally should have been smashed between the two and we weren’t. I am still a bit shaken up thinking about it.
So anyways, we get to church, I drop my husband off and we head to McDonalds. Counseling days have been my morning to get a cheap breakfast with the kids. Since our account had been charged all this unexpected charges, I was going to use credit until the refunds hit the bank. Well I swiped my card and it was declined. And declined. And declined again. I could not figure out why but I was completely embarrassed and was getting ready to walk out when a sweet old man behind us offered to pay for my kids pancakes and my lousy biscuit. Thank you kind man, you will never know how much that moment meant to me on this day.
Get all settled and the kids eating. I realize that my card was expired at the end of May. It’s June. Well that is why it wasn’t working. On to the next thing. Then make a bathroom pit stop. I started my period yesterday…after fourteen months of nursing my baby girl with no period it finally came back. Last night I said it wasn’t so bad for not having one for so long. Apparently I should have knocked on wood. Because not even two hours and I had soaked through my panties, a liner, and my shorts which thankfully were black. So now I have to decide do I waste the gas and drive 25 minutes home to change and come back for counseling? That doesn’t sound appealing. So I head to my husband’s work to get a card that isn’t expired, because he’s smart and remembered to switch his out. And Jase has an accident. But no worries, I have his backpack….which he managed to take his extra pair of underwear out of before leaving the house. Now we get to go get mommy and Jase new clothes.
So to Wal-Mart we went. Elyse screamed the whole way. Baby girl, it’s okay, mommy wishes she could be screaming too. But instead, all I am going to do is laugh. Some days are just so comical that we have to laugh, right? That’s what I am telling myself at least.
Bad days happen. They just do. But there is something I am learning on this little journey of mine, and that is that God is in the bad days too. In those moments where I am exhausted, where I don’t know how I am going to make it to the next moment, and I am overwhelmed by what I am facing, God is there. Not only is God there, but He is bigger.
God is bigger than those bad days, and if I stop to take a moment to look I will see Him.
I will see Him in the moments like a man paying for my kid’s and my breakfast. I will see Him in the moments of protection for my family from a scary accident. I will see Him and I will see just how big He is.
God is there, friends, He is always there.
Oh my goodness, I’m SO sorry you had such a rough day! You’re totally right, though, that God’s there through it all! On the up-side… At least you weren’t me who was exclusively breastfeeding and still managed to start her period seven weeks postpartum… 😉
What! That is like cheating!!! That is supposed to be the advantage to nursing!