It’s the last weekend of April and C-Section awareness month is coming to an end. If you missed it, this month I have shared a post each week dedicated to C-Sections to encourage mamas who have gone through an unexpected c-section, planning a repeat, or wanting to know what to expect just in case.
I wanted to close out this month with a special round up post with some encouragement from some amazing C-Section mamas and a look into their C-Section stories and other tips. Birth stories are beautiful, and birthing your baby via C-Section is as brave as any other birth. Be encouraged by these mamas today.
C-Section Birth Stories & Encouragement:
“All birth is brave and beautiful. If you are reading this because you are discouraged at the result of your unexpected C-Section, don’t be. If you are reading this because you are conflicted about choosing a repeat C-Section, don’t be. Your birth was beautiful and brave, just like any other. If you are reading this, be proud of the sacrifice you made on that operating table and the scar that you have to remind you of the blessing in your arms. Your scar is beautiful and so is your birth story, whether it was planned or unplanned. Be proud mama.”
Ally, You Are More Blog // Jase Birth Story // Elyse Birth Story // What to Expect // Emotional Recovery
“Oh sweet new mama, don’t be afraid to see your scar. For you now bare the markings of a battle well fought. Don’t be ashamed of it, but rather wear it proudly. You are a warrior and you’ve survived the most beautiful battle.”
Brittany Sanchez, Raising Wild // Birth Story
“Oh, sweet friend. If you are reading this you are probably recovering from a c-section, and I would venture a guess that it wasn’t planned, that it caught you by surprise, that it made you tear up and start to shake and question your body and your decision. I get that, I’ve been there. But although it was not anticipated, it was not a terrible experience, either. Here are two things for you to know: one, you are not any less of a mom because you had a c-section and two, you deserve to rest. I’ve had both kinds of deliveries now (the c-section was my first with a VBAC following 19 months later) and both are hard, both recoveries are painful, and both make you a mom. Rest, recover, snuggle that sweet baby, and accept help. You deserve it.”
Britt Hanson, My Little Sunshines // C-Section Birth Story // VBAC Birth Story // PP Comparison
“Be confident in your decision. Whether you elected to have a c-section as a precaution or it was an urgent emergency, don’t let anyone make you feel like you made a poor decision. You did what was right for both you and your baby. I think you’re awesome.”
Abby Barstow, Little City Adventures // Birth Story // C-Section Story // Ways to Help a C-Section Mama
“It may or may not be what you planned or wanted, but nobody is going to understand all of the thoughts, reasoning, and prayer that went into that decision except you, your husband, and your healthcare provider. All that thought and concern for your baby’s safety is what makes you a great mom, and you don’t owe anybody an explanation. Also, take your pain meds for as long as you’re told… well-managed pain makes caring for new people a little bit easier.”
Katie Hodge, Always Katie // Birth Story Part One & Part Two
“One of the biggest things mommas with unplanned c-sections need to remember is that you did birth your baby. You need to allow yourself to process that grief and those feelings. And as a VBAC momma, I want you to know that once a cesarean does NOT mean always a cesarean.”
Rebekeah, Surviving Toddlerhood// Tips for a Healthy C-Section Recovery
“Maybe you are a momma that feels embarrassed or heartbroken or ashamed because your birth plan didn’t go according to plan. If that is the case I am so very sorry but hear my heart – your story is incredible, it is unique to you, and you brought life into this world in a very brave way -no one can take that away from you. But maybe you are a momma like me. Your birth plan didn’t go according to plan but part of you was a little excited that you didn’t have to push that nine pound baby out of you know where. You have a story for the books because things didn’t go as planned. I am here to remind you that it is okay to not feel embarrassed or ashamed. It is perfectly acceptable to feel nothing but proud of your birth story because it is your story and no one can take that away from you. Shoot, it is reason enough to celebrate.”
Jamie, The Celebrating Momma // Repeat C-Section Birth Story
“It only gets better from here. Having a C-Section wasn’t your plan or maybe it was, either way the baby is safe and it gets better from your day of surgery. Remember His plan is always greater and He kept you safe.”
Jusika, Jusika Martinez // Birth Story
Did you have a C-Section? What is some encouragement you would offer to a C-Section mama?
So many stories!!! Thanks for putting this together Alessandra!!
Thank you for being a part of this!
THANK YOU for these fantastic stories!!
I’ve had two c-sections; the first was an emergency, and the second was a repeat c-section. Because I live in a small, rural town, I would have had to drive more than an hour away to try to have a VBAC. And in the end, I was so happy with having another c-section. I knew what to expect, and because it wasn’t an emergency I recovered so much faster and was happier! I was able to breastfeed soon after, and the nurses and doctors took such good care of me and listened to my wishes.
Thanks for encouraging other c-section mamas.❤❤
So glad you can relate! I’ve totally been there. And I loved hearing everyone’s take on the experience! I will be doing some features again next month, so totally let me know if you want in on it!