To the mom who defines herself by the amount of time she spent on the floor playing with her kids.
To the mom who defines herself by the number of times she’s yelled today.
To the mom who defines herself by the amount of vegetables her child has consumed this week.
To the mom who defines herself by the length of screen time her children have had.
To the mom who defines herself by her ability to get herself ready every day.
To the mom who defines herself by how many meals she prepared and fed her family.
To the mom who defines herself by the cleanliness of her home.
To the mom who defines herself by the crafts she has prepared for the children.
To the mom who defines herself by what she was able to accomplish today.
To the mom who defines herself by everything she was unable to accomplish today.
This is what I want to say to you…you are more.
Mama, you are more than what you do.
Mama, you are more than what you don’t do.
You are so much more than that, mama. Hear me when I say this, you are enough. It doesn’t matter all those things you think make you a good mom or bad mom. All that matters is you. What you do isn’t what makes you a good mom. You are a good mom simply because of you.
Remind yourself today, you are more.

[…] You. Are. More. […]