I have talked about how many times I have been told getting married young has made me miss out on so much life on the blog before. There were a lot of people who could relate to those comments and unfortunately that didn’t really surprise me. It made me think about how many people have told me the same thing when it came to having kids so young, especially in regards to life with my husband.
It’s true that having kids really changes your marriage and life in general. It’s no longer just you and your husband, but now you have little lives to care for too. Instead of your time being focused on just each other, you have little ones to tend to now. There are definitely some changes that take place, but I think they’re pretty great.
I thought it would be fun to share a few of the ways marriage changes after kids.
1. You have more conversations about poop than you have ever had before.
I guess you could say your relationship gets taken to an entire new level of openness? We could go with that. I can’t even tell you how many times poop has become a topic of conversation in our house. Let’s just say you’re lucky if it doesn’t become something you wear as well.
2. You think about all the things that you would do together when you get a break from the kids, but when you finally get a break you have to make yourself not talk about them.
Sometimes you get a little exhausted and can barely catch a break together. Whenever I try to snuggle up to my husband on the couch it usually becomes a dog pile complete with a two year old and infant piled on top as well. It just makes us laugh. But then we also find ourselves saying “when we get a sitter we will…” fill in the blank. Then when we are finally away from the kids, what happens? We have to make ourselves not spend the entire time talking about them! They are just that great and we miss them too much.
3. You love your husband more than you did before, like that was even possible.
Do you know how incredibly sexy it is to see your man hold your baby? If you don’t, give him your baby and just stare at him. Then try not to get all mushy. It’s impossible, right? If you don’t have any kids yet, just wait. You think you love that guy now, just you wait.
4. You realize how valuable your time together is.
I think having kids has made us realize how valuable our time together is and just how important it is. Time spent with my husband is refreshing and so good for our marriage. To get that time when we have kids, we have to be intentional. We have to be intentional about connecting and sometimes that isn’t always easy. Realizing that can be a great reminder to how valuable the two of you together are because it doesn’t get taken for granted.
5. You marvel at the life that only your love could have created.
See those kids right there? The two of you did that. You created that. Your love brought life into this world and there is nothing more amazing than that. I don’t think there is a bigger blessing in marriage than raising children together.
Marriage is great. Marriage after kids can be even better. There is no reason kids should ruin your marriage. Life may get a whole lot busier, and maybe even a bit harder, but it’s full of a whole lot more love.

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