Have you ever gone through a season in life where you questioned if God really had your best interest in mind? Have you ever felt like you didn’t understand God’s plans? Seasons that are hard and leave us constantly feeling like we have to catch our breath can cause us to question what God is thinking. It’s a natural response, you don’t have to feel bad about it. No one likes to face hard things. In the midst of hard days, it can be really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But think about hard seasons, the ones that seem to drag on. How much harder are those?
I’ve gone through seasons in my life where through tear stained faces I’ve wondered why God would ask me to walk through this. I’ve cried my share of tears and felt my share of hopelessness. I’ve suffered heartbreak that I wished God would have spared me from. I have suffered hurt that I wish God would have made disappear. I’ve questioned God and His plans more than I care to admit. I’ve even found myself saying I didn’t care what the purpose was, I just wanted it to end!
“Jesus Replied, you don’t understand what I am doing, but someday you will.” (John 13:7)
For every season I sat through and questioned God, I’ve looked back and realized He had a plan all along. I have looked back and realized that I am a better person because of those tear filled seasons. I couldn’t see it then, all I could see was my brokenness and hurt, but when I look back now I realize how much of those experience contributes to who I am today.
Not only have the hard seasons shaped me into who I am today, they have developed my relationship with Christ. It’s in those moments where my face is stained with tears that I have reached out to Him in my brokenness and felt His peace. It is in those seasons where my faith was stretched and my dependence on Him and His word was taken to a new level.
When you don’t understand God’s plans.
I didn’t understand right then, but I understand now.
There will be more seasons that I don’t understand, I am sure of it. But there is one thing I am certain of and that is Christ’s love for me. God loves me and He has my best interest at heart, and it’s when I don’t understand what He is doing that I hold on to that.
I don’t know if you’re walking through heartache and feeling like God is so far away. Maybe your questioning why he would allow certain things to take place in your life and doubting his plan for you. Take encouragement in Jesus’ words. Although you may not understand today, you may not understand tomorrow, one day you will. One day you will see what He was doing in your life. God’s plans are always greater than our own, take comfort in that today friends.

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