When you were a kid did you ever think about how cool it was
to be an adult? You got to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. You
could drive wherever you wanted to go, without permission. You could eat
whatever you wanted to for dinner, and if you didn’t want to finish your meal
you didn’t have to…and who cares if you still had ice cream afterwards. Being
an adult seemed pretty darn cool.
Until you actually became one and realized how much
responsibility came with it. And. All. The. Bills.
responsibility came with it. And. All. The. Bills.
To my child self who thought those things I say HA! You are
So we came home Sunday after church and turned on the oven
to pop in a frozen pizza. We are trying this whole let’s eat out less thing, so
I caved and bought some frozen pizzas to have on hand when we are in a rush.
Two dollar pizza vs twenty to thirty dollars eating out sounds like a big way
to save money to me. I sit down to nurse the baby while the hubs grabs some
fire wood and when he comes back in he notices the oven had turned off. Looking
at it I realized the clock wasn’t even on…oh please don’t tell me it just
to pop in a frozen pizza. We are trying this whole let’s eat out less thing, so
I caved and bought some frozen pizzas to have on hand when we are in a rush.
Two dollar pizza vs twenty to thirty dollars eating out sounds like a big way
to save money to me. I sit down to nurse the baby while the hubs grabs some
fire wood and when he comes back in he notices the oven had turned off. Looking
at it I realized the clock wasn’t even on…oh please don’t tell me it just
So, we go over and he starts to pull the oven out and I
smell an awful smell. Next thing you know there is a big pop, a big flame, he’s
jumping behind it to unplug it, I am pushing the kids out of the way running for
the fire extinguisher, and then the oven just starts smoking. I think it’s
pretty much gone.
smell an awful smell. Next thing you know there is a big pop, a big flame, he’s
jumping behind it to unplug it, I am pushing the kids out of the way running for
the fire extinguisher, and then the oven just starts smoking. I think it’s
pretty much gone.
RIP to our sweet oven.
Surprisingly I was very calm. I didn’t freak out. We called my
in laws and went over there to finish our lunch, lay the kids down, make our
food for our little super bowl hang out with friends, and that was it. I would
like to say I handled it very well, but I think knowing in the back of my mind
we just filed tax returns made me feel a lot better. We’ll have the money to
replace it, even if that wasn’t exactly what I was hoping to do with it.
in laws and went over there to finish our lunch, lay the kids down, make our
food for our little super bowl hang out with friends, and that was it. I would
like to say I handled it very well, but I think knowing in the back of my mind
we just filed tax returns made me feel a lot better. We’ll have the money to
replace it, even if that wasn’t exactly what I was hoping to do with it.
I wish I could say I would be as calm if we didn’t have the
tax returns coming in, but it’s not something I am very good at. I am working
on it, but I tend to worry just a little…okay, a lot.
tax returns coming in, but it’s not something I am very good at. I am working
on it, but I tend to worry just a little…okay, a lot.
Life happened this week and it didn’t happen the way I
wanted it to, but it wasn’t a surprise to God. He isn’t surprised by our
circumstances, our choices, or our reactions to everyday life. He knows what is
going to happen, He knows how we will respond, and He knows how to take care of
us in those moments. I am so glad that my life is in His hands, because sometimes
things just happen. I can’t control my days and I can’t predict them, but I can
place my trust in someone who has it all under control.
wanted it to, but it wasn’t a surprise to God. He isn’t surprised by our
circumstances, our choices, or our reactions to everyday life. He knows what is
going to happen, He knows how we will respond, and He knows how to take care of
us in those moments. I am so glad that my life is in His hands, because sometimes
things just happen. I can’t control my days and I can’t predict them, but I can
place my trust in someone who has it all under control.
Each day I am learning to do that a little more. I’m not
perfect, I don’t do it every time, but I am trying. So to myself, and to you,
keep trusting the One who has it all figured out. He’s got you, and He won’t
let you down.
perfect, I don’t do it every time, but I am trying. So to myself, and to you,
keep trusting the One who has it all figured out. He’s got you, and He won’t
let you down.
Also, since my oven broke it’s been a bit hectic over here.
My blogging day went a little out the window and so did my calendar. So please bear
with the silence, I’ll be back in as soon as I can!
My blogging day went a little out the window and so did my calendar. So please bear
with the silence, I’ll be back in as soon as I can!

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