Disclaimer: I received a discount on this subscription box in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions expressed are my own.
Subscription boxes are becoming all the rage. There are subscription boxes for clothing, jewelry, health products, hair products, healthy food, age appropriate activities and so much more I haven’t even named. There are quite a few boxes that I would love to sign up for, but the hefty price tag just isn’t in the budget right now. Not to mention, some of the items I don’t necessarily need, at least not on a monthly basis.
But insert Bookroo and we have an entirely different story. When Bookroo reached out to me about reviewing their company I did a bit of research and knew this was worth every penny. What is even better is it doesn’t even cost that much, it’s completely affordable!
From day one it has been extremely important for me to instill a love of reading in Jase. I love to read. I love getting lost in stories and pretending I am right there in the midst of the characters. I have so many favorite books I would lose myself in as a child that would inspire and spark imagination like nothing else could. Now that I am an adult and have been placed into various roles throughout my life I love what reading books has done to grow me in the areas of leadership, ministry, and being a wife and mom. There is so much that can be offered in the pages of a book.
Little by little we have tried to grow our children’s book Library. The truth is, I am not entirely sure what some of the best books out there are! There have been a few we would pick up from our library and fall in love with that we knew we had to add to our children’s collection along with some of the childhood favorites of mine, but aside from that I never know which books to get. I don’t really have time to browse through book stores with two kids attached to my hip either. Books also aren’t as inexpensive as you think they would be so building a library for your child can definitely add up in cost.
Bookroo takes care of all of the hard stuff at a completely affordable price and makes building your children’s library a piece of cake! When you sign up for Bookroo you have the option to purchase a month to month, three month, or six month plan. The more months you add onto your plan, the more of a discount you get on the monthly cost. You can also choose if you want picture books or board books in your box.
When we received our box Jase was SO excited. He didn’t even know what was in it, but he could not wait to open it. I one hundred percent think that presentation speaks volumes for a company and when we opened the box to find each book individually wrapped in adorable paper and a sweet note from the company I was completely sold. I love when companies go above and beyond and Bookroo did just that. Jase opened every book shouting “whoa! cool!” the entire time. The books that came in his box I had never even seen or heard of and we have read them more times than I can count in just one short week and I love them!
The retail value of the books in the box exceeds the price that you pay for the subscription which alone makes this absolutely perfect. I love that Bookroo has offered an easy solution for me to grow a library for my children so that I can instill a love of reading in them. Since we have received our books I have started a new goal with Jase where I read him a book before nap time and before bed time every day. He has come to really look forward to curling up in my lap to read a book and has helped him easily go to sleep right after. Not to mention it has been a great way to spend one on one time with him while his baby sister naps.
I am so excited to share with you that Bookroo is offering to give each of you $4 off when you sign up here for your subscription box! Not only that, but they have an awesome promotion going on right now for the first 250 people who join, there is an option to give a box to a friend. You can read all about that here.
If you are looking to grow your child’s library and instill a love of reading in them Bookroo is just what you need. I am already looking forward to our next box!

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