So, I am finally getting the time to sit down and write the story of how we found out we were expecting baby number two.
We knew that we wanted our kids to be between 2-3 years apart. So as Jase approached his first Birthday we started talking about when even more. After going off birth control before I got pregnant with Jase, my body was very irregular and it took eight months for us to get pregnant with him. We decided then to stay away from any hormonal birth control in hopes my body would straighten out after having Jase. When I stopped nursing Jase, my cycles continued in this irregular pattern so we decided maybe we would just leave it in God’s hands at that time. It took us eight months the first time, so we expected it would take that long again. That would mean possibly getting pregnant when Jase was a year and a half, so that’s right in the middle of our age difference desires, so why not!
Well, my cycle continued to be crazy, in fact I just wasn’t having one. That was going to make it pretty hard to get pregnant, and since I was testing negative I decided to have some blood work done to test my hormone levels. My thyroid levels were slightly high, so I was going to take a round of progesterone supplement to see if it got things normal again. Well the day I was going to start the supplement, I felt the need to take a test just in case. Mind you, this was just ten days after my first pregnancy test, which was negative. And a week after running all this blood work to see what was going on. To my surprise, it was positive! I fully didn’t expect to get pregnant within the first month of finishing nursing!
So, I decided to head out with Jase to get together a fun little surprise to announce the good news to Chad. I knew if I stayed home during his lunch break I would spill it, so I grabbed lunch out with Jase and headed to Hobby Lobby. I had an idea in mind originally that I wanted to do, but it wasn’t going to be finished that day and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. So, I had to come up with a new plan. It was really important for me to involve Jase, so I thought the more simple the better. So we found this adorable little chalkboard easel at Hobby Lobby. When we got in the car I wrote, “You’re a great dad” on one side, and “I thought you should be one AGAIN!” on the other. By the time we arrived home, Chad was already home from work. I am glad I managed to remember to snap a photo really quickly before running inside, because after that I completely forgot!
So I got Jase out of the car and taught him how to hold the chalkboard. Then walked up to our front door and knocked on it. Chad opens the door, and Jase walks in with this chalkboard telling him what a great dad he is! Chad looks at me with an odd look on his face, slightly confused and says, “Okaaay.” So I responded, “Jase just wanted you to know what a great dad you are.” Then Chad looked down and realized there was something on the back of the chalkboard so he picks Jase up and read it, then looks at me with a big smile and says, “Really?!” I started laughing and shouted “YES!” He looks at me, smiles, and says “and you were worried.” What a guy response there, right?
We were definitely thrilled and surprised! I was worried with my cycles that it was going to make it complicated to get pregnant, but God proves time and time again that His timing is perfect, and He moves despite what our body does. It was a little quicker than I expected, but I have really wanted more and more to have my kids close because it wasn’t something I had growing up. I know I am going to be awfully busy with two under two for a little while, but I know God’s going to grace me through it. We are so excited to be welcoming our baby girl soon!

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