Purpose to move.
Purpose to be present.
Purpose to be intentional.
Purpose to be a friend.
Nothing is done unless it is purposed to be done. And this year, I want to be purposeful about doing what God has placed on my heart. This goes beyond just being intentional, though that is part of it. This is moving forward with purpose. This is having purpose behind all that I do.
God has been stirring things on my heart for months concerning being a wife, being a mother, being in ministry with my husband, and this blog of mine. Dreams, visions, excitement, and nervousness has been all wrapped up in a pretty box and placed in front of me on a silver platter. There is so much on my heart to do, and for me to succeed in any of it, I need to purpose to do it. I need to purpose to step out and trust that where God is leading me, He promises to go with me.
So this year, I purpose to live with purpose. I will move forward with purpose behind what I am doing, and I will rely on that purpose to fuel exactly what it is I am doing. I don’t want to get caught up in doing things that lack a reason for doing them. I don’t want to do something just because it seems like the right thing to do, or because it’s something everyone else would do. What I do and the impact I will make in 2015 will be greater if what I do is done with purpose.
There is purpose in my role as a wife.
There is purpose in my mothering.
There is purpose in my ministry.
There is purpose in me typing away behind on a computer screen on this blog.
This year, I will discover that purpose daily, and I will purpose to move forward in just that.

Love this girl!! I'm excited to see what God has n store for you in 2015!