My son’s temperature has been bouncing around the 103 mark for a little over 24 hours now. It is miserable seeing him like this. He has yet to be this sick in his short little life here so it has had me pretty nervous. Doctor says he just has some nasty virus, we head to the ER if it hits 104, and if the fever doesn’t break in 48 hours (now 24 hours) we have to bring him back in. I don’t know what they will do if it gets to that point, but my mind is all sorts of worry right now if I think about that too much. So just taking it hour by hour, keeping his fever down, keeping him hydrated, and taking in all the cuddles we can get. His little body is so hot. I am just praying he kicks this soon. Until he does, I won’t be leaving his side except for an hour tonight when I need to be at church for a few things. I am so thankful for some incredible in-laws close by who will stay with him until I finish what I need to do and can get back home with him.
One Hundred and Three
I am incredibly thankful for my rock star husband who has been helping me with peanut and being a rock for me to lean on. Just something about a mama seeing her sweet baby so sick kind of breaks your heart. Not only that, but he rearranged half our room last night so he could sleep in his pack and play right next to me. Having him closer made me feel much better about the night.
I guess this is another “mama badge” on this whole motherhood journey.
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I really hope your little peanut breaks that fever soon. Will pray for you and send good vibes. So sorry you're having to go thru this but know that the good Lord will look after him. So glad you have a good support system.
Oh no, poor little man! I pray he feels better soon!