Having your baby on a routine is so important to helping them be happy during the day, and sleep at night. You can be as strict or as loose as you want with a schedule, even just a simple pattern can make a huge difference. In Baby’s First Year series I will be sharing tips for schedules and routines, as well as sample schedules for baby. Below you will find the 4 months to 6 months baby schedule, including the transition to two naps and that coveted four hour schedule!
4 Months – 6 Months Schedule
8am – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
9:45am – Nap
9:45am – Nap
12 noon – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
1:45pm – Nap
1:45pm – Nap
4pm – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
5pm – Feeding {veggies}
6pm – Nap
7pm – He usually woke up on his own at 7pm but if he didn’t we woke him by 8pm
6pm – Nap
7pm – He usually woke up on his own at 7pm but if he didn’t we woke him by 8pm
8pm – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
9:30pm – Begin Bedtime Routine
10pm – Nurse and down for the night
Four Hour Schedule:
At four months Jase moved to a four hour schedule. I knew he was ready for the transition when:
He consistently started to sleep through his feedings.
He was disinterested with eating every three hours, thought it was play time, and would not concentrate on eating at all.
I started to allow him to sleep through those feedings and followed his cues on when he was ready to eat.
At this age his total awake time stretched to an hour and forty five minutes before taking another nap. We continued to keep the 8pm – 10pm time his awake time so that he would sleep well. But I was sensitive to him, if he could not stay awake those two hours, we would usually cuddle as he took a thirty minute cat-nap during that time. We also faded out of bathing him every night around this time, he had a good pattern going, was sleeping through the night consistently, so we stopped bathing him nightly and it didn’t change his sleep at all. I was so worried it would! Around this time his evening nap also got shorter. He transitioned to taking two two hour naps, morning and afternoon, and then his 6pm evening nap shortened to just an hour.
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We started solids with him around this time. We first started at 8:30 pm since we were told it would help him sleep longer, but I don’t think it made a difference. After a few weeks of feeding him at this time I decided to move it to 5pm, after his 4pm nursing, because he was not nursing well at 10pm because he was too full from the food. He also wasn’t in the best of mood during that time to try and feed him solids. Not a good idea to try and feed a crabby baby solids.
Find schedules for every age and more in my baby’s first year series! You can find the rest of the posts in the Baby’s First Year series here.
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