Just kidding! I wish my living room looked Pinterest perfect…instead my house looks like this….
We moved into our house two weeks ago. Before having a kid, I can guarantee I would have had my house unpacked that first weekend. The chaos just makes me feel closterphobic. Instead, I have a sweet little baby that keeps me busy to where my house still looks like this. You know what I do when I start to feel closterphobic? I come up with some excuse to leave the house so I can pretend it doesn’t look like that. You would think I would just unpack. Nah.
Lunch is the harderst meal of the day. I never knew what to eat before I had a baby, and now I only eat what’s easy. My lunch plate frequently looks like this. Or chicken nuggets and chips. Sometimes I throw fruit in there to make me feel better about myself. I only have a short time to make lunch and eat it before Jase wakes up to eat again, so easy it is!
Nursing is tough. I am determined to succeed at it and try and nurse my sweet boy until he is a year old. But apparently I introduced the bottle a little too early. I thought it would have been okay at two months, but I was wrong. I just read that babies that have trouble latching in the beginning, may need to nurse a little longer before being introduced to the bottle. Where was that email a month ago? Jase has gotten lazy. When he can’t get milk with only using his lips, he screams…and screams….and screams. I just sit there waiting for him to decide he is hungry enough to work for it. His cry starts to slow down, then he finally latches on and eats. At first I was freaking out that I had a low milk supply. Then I was wondering what I was doing wrong. But thankfully for some veteran mama’s in my life, I narrowed the problem down to him not wanting to work for his food. I mastered the art of walking while nursing because it was the only way I could get him to calm down enough to latch. My husband said it’s true talent. He seems to finally be getting the hang of it again….and when he looks at me with this milk drunk smile all the frustration and determination to make it work disappears. He’s just adorable.
Jase had an exhausting Sunday yesterday. His tummy was bothering him a little. Right before I snapped this picture he spit up all over the couch. If you caught those spots on the couch, that’s him. I didn’t even care about cleaning it up. I just left after that picture, came home and it’s dry….no one will ever know.
These are the pictures that you usually see on Instagram or Facebook. This picture shows the amount of joy that we have with our little one and in the life that God has blessed us with, makes it look like we’re the perfect little family. But the truth is, it doesn’t always show everything that goes on behind the scenes. It’s the posts that moms have gotten real about motherhood, and shared their behind the scenes that have really impacted me the most in my journey of Motherhood. It’s helped me to know that it’s okay the dishes aren’t done and you don’t know why your baby is crying. It’s all a part of motherhood.
I love being a mom, guys. It’s the most rewarding job there is on the planet. I want nothing more than to be a SAHM and have the opportunity to pour into my young children. But it’s tough. It’s tough when you feel like you’re the only one that feels the way you do at certain times. But you’re not. I guarantee you every mother has felt the way you do right now at one point in time. That’s why “real motherhood” where moms share the behind the scenes, the not so perfect parts of motherhood can be so encouraging to other moms out there. I mean really, does the Pinterest mom even exist? (Remember my post on the perfect mother a few weeks ago? She’s the one with her family in the front seat).
I’ve been pretty excited about this link-up. Why? Because it reminds me that I am not the only mom that has “real motherhood” days. As a new mom, I expected to have some of these days, but I don’t know if I really expected to have those days. Those days when I am counting down the hours until I can crawl into bed and sleep. I love being a mom, but it’s the toughest job out there. I am sure all you moms have your own story too, you should link-up and share!
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Oh, sweet milk drunk smiling baby!
This was beautiful, Ally 🙂 Thanks for joining in 😀
Beautiful! I can absolutely relate to you, too! It's awesome that you stuck through the breastfeeding thing. It can be so frustrating, but also so rewarding. Way to go, Mamma!
It was probably the hardest thing, but I really want to keep it up so it's been a lot of perseverance! A lot of tears and seeking advice too, but it gets better with each day!
Ally, this is beautiful! How old is your little one? I think our little's are super close in age. Glad to be with you in this, Mama!
Hey Girl!!
Thank you! He is 11 weeks today! I can't believe it. How old is you baby?
So true, having a baby changes everything! I used to make full course meals for my husband and now he is lucky if I make a decent meal within the week. I love being a mom, but sometimes it seems like nothing gets done. Though you have a happy and clean baby so something got done.Awesome post and so true to reality…I have been there!
Definitely relate to that. My husband started doing the majority of the cooking when I got pregnant because I just couldn't handle the smells. He said he loved cooking, so we kind of did a trade off. He does the cooking and I do the cleaning up now. I hate cooking! But I don't mind doing the dishes! haha. And sometimes things have to fall apart around the house so that you can have a happy baby. That's what's important anyways!
I don't think anyone believes what motherhood is really like until they are there, and then they are all, "What? I didn't expect THIS!" But it's better than expected too in a million ways. I can definitely relate to lunch as a mom being so, so difficult. I often don't each lunch…at all! I'm just so busy that I don't even think of it. Glad you're getting some nourishment. And what beautiful dedication you have for committing to breastfeeding even when it's difficult. Good job, mama! Thanks for linking up!
I love, love, love milk drunk smiles…that sweet little neck!
There are those unbelievably hard mothering days. But they are like childbirth–you forget them.
I love the reality of this post. Thank you for sharing your life and world with us! You truly are doing wonderful!
YES. Thank you for this refreshing dose of honesty!!