A baby’s first year is filled with so much excitement, adventure, and discovery. The list of everything that takes place in a baby’s first year seems to be never ending. There are always surprises around every corner. A new task to be learned, a new skill to master, a new laugh, a new smile – babies are always changing! Baby’s first year can also be incredibly overwhelming at times. There is advice every where you turn, opinions from so many different people, so much to research and learn. It is no surprise why so many first time parents are overwhelmed. Parents are constantly questioning themselves wondering if they are making the best decision for their baby. It’s challenging not to compare or feel discouraged when your baby seems to be learning things differently. Sometimes we even question our choices and parenting styles.
No two babies are the same, if you have more than one child you know this to be true, and no two families are the same. But there is one thing that will remain consistent across the board no matter the baby or family, and that is what really matters in a baby’s first year. You can read all the books, follow all the rules, sleep train, not sleep train, co-sleep, crib train, wear your baby, never wear your baby, whatever you do doesn’t matter as much as three simple things:
Love your baby. Simple enough, right? Just love them! I know sometimes you feel like you have no idea what you are doing and just maybe you weren’t cut out for this. You are exactly who they need and all they need is your love. Just love them without hesitation. Love them without regret. Pour yourself out into loving them and everything else will flow from that place. Your love will guide everything else you do for them. It’s simple, and most important.
Keep them healthy and safe. Whether you breastfeed or formula feed. Whether you room share, co-sleep, or put them in their own room. Whether you stay at home or whether you work. None of that matters as long as they’re healthy and safe. Your baby depends on you for their health and safety, and it doesn’t have to be as complicated as we make it out to be.
One way I love investing in my baby’s health from the start is with Evivo probiotics. Evivo is the first and only probiotic of its kind and is designed to utilize breast milk to protect baby’s gut from potentially harmful bacteria. The first 6 months of baby’s life are critical for baby’s autoimmune and metabolic development – and the composition of baby’s gut microbiome plays a significant role in this process. A healthy baby gut is linked to a healthy baby metabolism and immune system. B. infantis, is vital in building a strong foundation of good bacteria for your healthy baby. The presence of this in baby has declined over the years and that is exactly what Evivo is, activated B. infantis. B. infantis is good bacteria that minimizes potential harmful bacteria. Evivo is a great way to take control of your baby’s health right from the start!
Embrace grace. No baby and no mama are the same. Instead of looking at yourself and comparing who you are as a mom to everyone around you, embrace grace. Embrace grace to be the mom that you are supposed to be. Embrace grace to allow your children to blossom into who they are supposed to be. Embrace grace for the days that don’t go as planned. Embrace grace for the days that you seem to be rocking this motherhood thing. Embrace grace and let that be a huge part of the first year of your baby’s life.
These three simple things are that matter. Baby’s first year doesn’t have to be complicated when we focus on the simple things. Just love your baby, keep them healthy and safe, and embrace all the grace you can.
$10 off an Evivo Probiotics Starter Kit of 4 weeks! Use Code: BLOG6231. Code is valid when redeemed by the first 50 readers. Code expires May, 2018 or after the first 50 redemptions.
$20 off a 8 week or greater sized kit! Use Code: BLOG6232. Code is valid when redeemed by the first 50 readers. Code expires May 31, 2018 or after the first 50 redemptions.
What do you think matter’s most in baby’s first year?
Wootwoot for probiotics!!!!!
We love them!