I am just a tad late on his one month post…okay a lot late. I was waiting for the monthly blanket to come in and it ended up having to be ordered through someone else, so I am giving myself a little break this month.
Anyways, a month has come and gone with this sweet little guy and I almost can’t stand it. If I could just bottle up some of that newborn phase and make them stay little just a bit longer I totally would. But I can’t, so instead I keep having babies. Just kidding. I think. But really, he is changing so much and I can’t handle it!
Jude truly is a sweet baby. He takes all the kisses, hand touching, toy piling, in your face moments from his older siblings like a champ. He is a noisy sleeper with all these cute little grunts and squeaks. He is a pro at tummy time and has already rolled over a handful of times so I have to keep an eye on him. He loves to be worn and loves to be held on your chest. He eats about every three hours and he was cluster feeding every evening after 4 it became more like every two hours, but at 6 weeks he has started to level off on that.
We hit the first fussy phase right at 5 weeks and it was a rough one. Little man wanted to be held all the time which is definitely a lot harder to do with two toddlers running around, but we lived through it and he is back to his happy self. He loves to be held upright where he can look around, so curious already. And so very loved.
I can’t wait to watch this little guy continue to grow. Here is too many more months ahead baby Jude.
I forgot how little one-month-olds are!! He is precious and it sounds like he’s the cutest little bud 🙂
Me too girl!! I wish I could bottle up this time!