Happy second Birthday to this sweet, tender, sassy little girl! I cannot believe two years have come and gone with you already. Not to mention in just two short months you’ll be stepping into your new role as a big sister. Oh so much is changing with you right now.
You’re a beautiful soul, inside and out. One hundred percent a mama’s girl still to this day, we are beginning to think that will never change. But your love for your daddy is strong too. Your favorite thing to do is scoot your chair next to his at dinner time and lay on his shoulder while you eat. You pretty much invade every ounce of personal space he has, like that belonged to him anyways.
You’re very unsure of new surroundings, new people, or unfamiliar people. You like to stick to what you know and where you are comfortable. It takes you awhile to fall in love with a new person, but once you do, they’re your new best friend. I thought you finally grew out of hating the church nursery, but it seems like you may always go through stages where you would just much rather be with mommy.
You’re gentle, you love to snuggle, you love to check in on me throughout the day, and you absolutely love and adore your brother. But your sassy side is definitely making it’s way out and you’ll be sure to let us know when you don’t like something. You are very independent and don’t mind going off and doing your own thing, but no worries your brother won’t leave you alone too long.
You’ve approached two with some big milestones. You’re potty trained, for the most part. Sometimes you decide playing is better than stopping to go potty. You’ll be a big sister in two months! You switched to a toddler bed and no pacifier, which that in itself was a big deal! It happened earlier than I had planned, but life just kind of kept moving on.
We are spending the day celebrating you and doing some of your favorite things…bouncing on inflatables and eating pasta! We will also be getting your first hair cut which I have mixed feelings about, but I am pretty excited too. Being a girl mom is just too much fun!
I am so blessed to have you for a daughter and I can’t imagine our life without you. You bring a glimmer of joy everywhere you go and you remind us all to love hard. Sweet girl, I can’t wait to see your personality blossom more and more.
Happy Birthday, Elyse Ann! I love you!
Wait…pasta and inflatables sounds like my ideal birthday but I’m turning 26….hmmm…hahaha anyway happy birthday to Elyse! She is adorable and lucky to have you as her mama!
Thanks! She had a blast! And I couldn’t agree more, what a fun day!