The third pregnancy, such an interesting season of life. You have done this a couple times so you kind of know what to expect. Nothing is really a surprise anymore, except how gosh darn tired you are all the time. And maybe the fact that you’re pregnant…I am telling you, I completely forget some days. I have definitely found myself laughing at a few of the realizations I have had this pregnancy, and I decided to start keeping a list.
Five things you learn during your third pregnancy:
1. You are tired. All the time. It doesn’t just last during the first trimester and then you get the amazing boost of energy during trimester two. Ha! I laugh in your face. You have two other kids, remember? Tired is just your life now. You’ll do pretty well at mastering it. Or you’ll start mastering catching in a quick nap while you’re waiting for the waffles to pop out of the toaster. Not speaking from experience or anything.
2. You knew you were pregnant before the test even showed that positive. No, you didn’t know because you can recognize all the symptoms by now. You knew because you were showing before you could even take that pee test. Good luck hiding that bump! Your jeans stopped fitting before you had a chance to dig out the maternity clothes.
3. Doctor’s appointments get really boring. You end up sitting there with your doctor talking about the two kids you already have, rather than the one growing in your belly because you have absolutely zero questions about the child you are growing. You’ve been there done that. So naturally if you don’t talk about the kids you already have, you are just going to sit there awkwardly with nothing to talk about but you paid for that appointment so you’re going to get some sort of adult conversation in.
4. Maternity clothes are your best friend. There is no more waiting until you really have to pull them out. No. You’re asking your husband to drag the tub up from the basement as soon as you get the positive test to confirm that it is indeed a baby that is causing you to be unable to button every single pair of pants you own already. Thank God it wasn’t those cookies!
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5. You are going to worry, and laugh, and cry, and be excited, and love harder than you ever have in your entire life. Because now that you know how much your heart can explode when you have more than one kid, it’s going to be that much more amazing when the third one enters. You know you have room to love them all because you saw how it happened with your second born, and gosh, that feeling alone keeps you going to that delivery day because you just can’t wait to feel it all over again. No matter how uncomfortable you are you keep thinking about the moment your heart explodes and everything else disappears…until the toddler is screaming because he dropped yogurt in his lap and he hates to be dirty.
I’m in the beginning of #2. I knew I was pregnant for sure when I had begun to suspect it because I peed my pants in the middle of the market. Did it with the first one, too. It’s my babies’ new favourite tradition. Hooray for me….
Yep. All so true lol!!