Blogging has become a really big part of my life. I started my blog when I was in college because I wanted a place to share all the thoughts roaming around my head and the lessons I was learning. Then it grew to the community I found behind it all and into something I really loved. I decided when my son was born that I wanted to dive into this full speed ahead and make this more than just a hobby. I wasn’t in it to make money, I wasn’t wanting to get a bunch of free stuff. I just wanted to embrace the community and grow my blog and see where it went from there.
Three years down the road I never would have imagined I would be where I am now. But getting here was a slow process. It was full of moments I wondered if what I was writing was reaching anyone. It was full of moments where I felt like I was making so many new friends. It was full of moments I had no idea what to write. It was full of moments my dreams were coming true. It was full of moments I felt my dreams were falling apart. Getting where I am today wasn’t smooth sailing and it didn’t happen overnight.
The best growth comes with pruning and a lot of time.
And you know what, that is okay.
It took time to get my blog where it is today. And it took a lot of growing from me to shape this blog into what it is today. And I couldn’t be happier with this place because it’s a direct representation of who I am. This space is a direct representation of my heart.
There are hundreds of posts and people with tips on how to grow your blog quick, how to make money fast, and how to write the content people are wanting to read. But I seldom hear people say to be the best you that you can be.
Your blog, what makes it special, is you. People come to your corner of the internet because they like what you have to say. You have said something that touched them. You have written something that they could relate to. You have spoken to something inside of them that needed to be spoken to.
People come to your place because they want to read something you wrote.
Stay true to yourself. Write from your heart. Don’t write what you think people want to hear. Write what you are lead to share, and then, as people come and read it, use that to help you grow. Use what you are already writing and let it help you become better.
But don’t write the way you see other people write. Don’t write the same things you see other people being successful with. Let your blog define you. Let your blog be your voice. Don’t shy away from who you are. Your voice is needed.
No blog is going to be like yours when you write like that. And we don’t need just another blog with another voice, we need a blog with your voice.
I love this! You’re right that now many people talk about this but it’s totally true!
Yes! I think it’s totally one of the most important things too!