Motherhood is pretty unpredictable. If you’ve been a mom for any amount of time you have probably come to realize this truth. You can start the day with a few things in mind and before you know it the day is over and it has gone a completely different direction. That’s okay. That’s motherhood. We get used to it. So when it comes to thinking ahead and planning for the future it’s a bit impossible. You just never know how things are going to go, especially when it comes to planning for another baby.
Here we are with our little family of four, two kids, a boy and a girl and people would think we are done. We’ve got one of each, why have another baby? That is the statement we hear from so many people. But here is the thing, we don’t actually feel done. We believe that our little family isn’t complete just yet and we want more. But if you asked me if we were ready now, I would say no. Right now, isn’t the time. But it doesn’t mean we are done.
Once you hit that year mark everyone is kind of looking at you sideways wondering the answer to the questions no one really wants to ask. Is there another baby coming? It seems as if other people put a time stamp on your family growing whether you do or not. It can feel overwhelming when you aren’t even sure exactly when the perfect time is either. People always ask how do you know when to have another? It’s the question on every mama’s mind and I see it asked over and over. But maybe we need to stop asking and focusing on the “when”, and focus on right now.
So how do you know when it’s time for another baby?
Here’s my answer, the one you have been waiting for…you’ll just know. It’s simple as that. It’s not complex. It’s not something you can plan. You will just know.
This time our plan was to make sure Elyse would be at least two when our next baby was born. We thought that would be easier to have her a little more independent and those few months make a difference. But then here we are, past the time we would have planned, and something in me says it’s not time. Just not yet. And that’s okay. Remember, you will know.
[bctt tweet=””Even if your knowing doesn’t match up with your planning. When it’s time, you will know.”” username=”youaremoreblog”]
There is no time or gap that you have to stick with. There is no plan that you have to follow. The only thing you need to do is trust yourself. And live in knowing that when it’s time, you will know. You’ll know when you’re done. You’ll know when you’re not. And you’ll know when it’s time. Even if your knowing doesn’t match up with your planning. When it’s time, you will know. No one else needs to tell you when and you don’t need to tell them when. When it’s time, you will know. Some things you just can’t plan for. Some things you just have to take as they come. You’ll know when it’s time for another baby.
So what’s your biggest advice at adding another baby into the mix? If you’re not there yet, what has helped you in knowing when it’s time for another?
Hmmm… I was just waiting for a pregnancy announcement at the end of this post. 😉
Not yet!! Haha! We shall see when. Juggling multiples is no joke!