Ten months, how in the world can I be typing those words? What an incredible ten months it has been. It never gets old watching a baby grow right before your eyes. Seeing them learn to crawl, learn to talk, learn to play, it’s just such an incredible journey to be a part of.
We have STILL been battling sickness this month, so that hasn’t been fun. But aside from that little girl is on the move. She is mostly crawling on her hands and knees now. Occasionally she will determine that she can get somewhere much faster if she army crawls and takes off. She is very brave. She takes off down the hallway all on her own and if you aren’t quick she’ll find herself something to get into. She is pulling to standing and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever. She’s not tried to cruise along anything yet though.
Her smile is contagious. This little girl probably has the most adorable grin I have ever seen and her eyes sparkle every time she smiles. It’s a real heart throb. She LOVES to dance. Turn on some music and she starts dancing away. Hopefully that means there will be some dance classes in her future.
I do think I might have a picky eater on my hands, so that is going to be fun. What I have gotten her to eat has been little, and she also seems to be a mood eater. One day she likes something, the next she doesn’t. I am really hoping the more I keep trying the more she will grow out of it. I hope…
I cannot believe I am already making first birthday plans for little miss, the last ten months have flown by!
Little Miss,
You bring so much joy in our life and watching you grow has been so much fun. It always amazes me seeing you discover the world before you. You are way more brave than I anticipated with how attached to mama you are, I have to watch you close! You adore your big brother and are really holding your own with him. We have enjoyed lots of snuggles this month since you haven’t been feeling well and, although exhausting, I have soaked up every second. It won’t be long before you’re running around and I can’t get you to sit still. I am SO excited to plan your first birthday in a couple months, but also wish time would slow down. If only I could have it both ways. Just slow down a little, okay?
Until next month,
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