This post has been sponsored by A Star From Afar. All opinions are my own.
One of the things I love most about Christmas is what it represents. Christmas is truly one of my favorite Holidays. I love all the Christmas traditions that come along with the season. There is just something to treasure about all that time with the ones you love. The most beautiful thing at the root of all that though, is reflecting on the birth of our Savior. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without all that it represents. It’s such a beautiful thing to reflect on, how much God loved us that He sent His son with the ultimate purpose to save us. There couldn’t be a more beautiful representation of love. I love looking for a Christmas tradition that can be fun for the entire family that includes the true meaning of Christmas at the center of our celebrations.
The truth is, Christmas can also be one of the busiest times of year. There’s Holiday parties, Christmas shopping, last minute to-dos before vacation, traveling, and the list can go on. In the bustle of life it can be so easy to forget to stop and reflect on what this Holiday is all about. With all the other traditions that come with Christmas, it’s easy to get so lost in all of that and forget to reflect on why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. So it’s important that some of our Christmas Traditions help us to focus on the meaning of the Holiday season.
I was scrolling through Instagram one day and came across something a friend had shared, The Star From Afar. The Star From Afar is an elf on the shelf alternative. Now before you think I am crazy, I don’t have anything against Elf on the Shelf. I think it’s fun, but I also know that I could not keep up with it. I have way too many things on my plate that even though it sounds so much fun, I knew I couldn’t handle something to that extent. The Star From Afar is super simple, and that was something that I really liked. Beyond all of that, this children’s game had a central focus of keeping the Christmas story the center of the game. My children are very young, so thinking creatively about incorporating the Christmas story into our every day in a way that would keep them engaged is huge. Even though Jase is only two, I had knew that this would be something that he could participate in. The Star From Afar truly i a great new Christmas family tradition!
From the moment The Star From Afar arrived to our house and we began to look through it I was so excited. It was better than I had imagined it to be. We began to pull each character out and explain to Jase who they were, what they represented, and set up the manger scene. I was so surprised by how much he really understood. These little ones can definitely surprise you! He loved helping set up the manger scene. My favorite was listening to him say baby “Jeeee-zus” over and over.
There is a children’s story book that comes in your box and it’s a very cute story. It shares all about the heart behind the game. I don’t want to give the story away because it’s just that good. But in a short review, the game is all about the Star (I am sure you couldn’t guess that, right?). The wise men followed stars all their life, but one day there was a star that was different. the star from afar. So the idea of the game is every day you hide your star some where for your child to find. When they find the star, they bring their wise men to the star. There is a verse that goes with each day as well. This was my favorite part. I love having a verse that directs our hearts to the coming of Jesus and what Christmas is all about. I have even worked with Jase to say some of the shorter ones over and over again.
Of course, we have made sure to keep where we hide the star really simple since Jase is only two. But every morning the first thing he does is say, “Okay! Where star go?” Once he finds it he shouts, “There it is! Okay Wise Men go to star!” Then he grabs his wise men and sets them up carefully around the star. Christmas morning your star will find it’s way above the manger scene and the wise men will have found Jesus! How cute is that? The book tells the story way better than I do!
The best thing about this children’s game is really how simple it is. It doesn’t take a lot of time from you or require a lot of planning and it helps your family reflect on Jesus through the busy Holiday season. I love that it reminds me to slow down as a family and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. I truly could not be more excited about this and just could not wait to share it with you. I truly believe the Star From Afar would make the perfect Christmas family.

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