Society today is notorious for putting people in boxes. It starts at such a young age, people begin to be classified by the clothes they wear, what they like to do, who they tend to hang out with, and whatever quirks that make them who they are. All of it is jumbled up into a collective theme and that person is immediately categorized into the box that society has declared for them. Before you know it everyone has their own clique and group of people that they hang out with whether they chose it for themselves or not, but that is just where the world says they fit.
Before you were even old enough to understand what any of these classifications meant, the world placed you into a box. Sometimes that box ends up shaping us as we grow and who we begin to define ourselves by. This box puts invisible restrictions on who we can be as a person. And even though we try our best not to allow society to tell us who we are, we begin to put the same restrictions on ourselves within the boundaries this box has set.
Break your box.
It is just that simple. Don’t let the world tell you who you are. There is no mold that you have to fit, there is no group that you have to be assigned to. Who you are is beautiful because you are unique and intricately designed. Every detail of who you are is important, no matter how different you are. No matter what your quirks are, no matter what you love or don’t love, there is nothing about you that is like any other which makes it impossible to be placed in a one-size-fits-all box. So girl, just break it.
Break your box and be YOU!
The beauty of who you are is that you are more than a one-size-fits-all box. Don’t let the standards that society has chosen to classify you ever make its home in your mind and allow you to put restrictions on who you are. You are more than what people say about you, you are more than the box that you fit into. There is no perfect picture of you. The messy, the good, the deep, the confusing, and everything in between is the beauty that makes you, YOU!

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