Before Jase was born Chad and I went on a special spontaneous date to Build-A-Bear. I had really wanted to take Chad there to pick out a stuffed animal just for Jase because I thought it would be such a special gift. It definitely has proven to be true. In this special tiger that we built Jase together we placed a recording of Jase’s heartbeat. It’s one of my favorite things that we have. Jase absolutely loves listening to his heartbeat in his tiger too. I can’t wait for the day that we can tell him that was his heartbeat and him understand.
When we made that for Jase and saw just how special it was, we knew that we would want to do that for all our future kids. So we decided to make a family date of it this past Valentine’s Day. Build-A-Bear was running a special for two stuffed animals so we decided it would be fun to bring Jase along to put together his own little animal. I think we may have to make that part of the tradition for the future as well.
We started off our evening with some pizza. Little man has already been trying to step into those big brother shoes and doesn’t want to sit in a high chair anymore. So he got a booster seat and sat with daddy. He did pretty well. I can’t say he’s been that great at sitting still since that night though. He is such a busy little boy!
We let Jase pick out his own stuffed animal and he picked out the puppy. He was so confused when we gave him the puppy not yet stuffed, he wouldn’t even hold it. It was pretty amusing. We picked out a pink teddy bear for Elyse – you know it had to be pink for our precious little girl!
Build-A-Bear added this new feature where you put some characteristics into the heart of the stuffed animal. It was pretty fun trying to imagine what we would want to describe Elyse. Really got us thinking about what she would be like and I cannot wait to find out.
Jase was not a fan of the stuffing blower, he never has been a fan of anything that makes loud noises. But once the guy stuffed his puppy he was so happy to take it now that it looked like the animal he had chosen. We stuffed Elyse’s and put her heart in it and off to name it.
We chose to name Jase’s “Baby” because that’s what he calls all of his stuffed animals. Go figure Jase has called it “puppy” every day since. He also has grown quite attached to his little friend and sleeps with it every night. So much for mommy switching out the stuffed animals so we didn’t ever risk not having his favorite. At least he hasn’t grown that attached yet.
Elyse’s little bear was given the name sweetheart, just seemed to fit a pink teddy bear. We got her heartbeat recorded at one of our last appointments and it is now safely stitched in her little bear. Jase also loves listening to his sister’s heartbeat and we tell him every time that is what his sissy’s heart sounds like. It’s pretty cool that their heartbeat actually sounds different. What a testimony to how God creates us.
This little tradition has ended up meaning so much more to me than I ever thought it would, but I know these little animals with their heartbeats will be a special treasure for years.

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