It’s amazing how fast two years can fly by, am I right? I feel like I blinked and two years of my baby boy’s life has come and gone. So much has changed in just two short years though. The amount of change and growth in the first two years of life is crazy.
Jase is our greatest adventure. He reminds us of the important things in life. The importance of making memories, the importance of laughter, the importance of playing, the importance of going out and making memories, and the importance of making new friends. He has a love for people which is evident every where we go. He is excited to meet new people and make new friends. He never sits still for long and doesn’t like you to do so either.
I am amazed at how much he is learning. He loves to sing the alphabet song, although I can only make out letter “E,” “F,” and “G.” He is great at sorting and putting together puzzles. He also amazed me recently and realized when things were put in the wrong place and he moved them back to where he knew they went. I love watching him learn and discover, it’s incredible.
He’s becoming a great big brother and loves to help out with his little sister. I know they are going to be the best of friends and I cannot wait to see that relationship grow over the years.
To my Peanut,
I am so blessed to be your mama. I love watching you learn and discover more and more every day. You truly have taught your dad and I so much. You have reminded us about the things that matter the most. You have reminded us the importance of adventure. Every day we are on an adventure with you.
I can only imagine what is to come, I know it’s more adventure and I can’t wait to see where you take us!

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