We all know that as much as we wish things could magically take care of themselves around the house, that’s not exactly how it works. The dishes don’t wash themselves, the laundry doesn’t walk itself into the closet and drawers, and the endless to-do list doesn’t magically one day end on it’s own. We as mother’s have to find the balance to keeping up with our house and home and managing the kids at the same time.
I don’t think there is one magical way to entertain a toddler when you have a to-do list to complete, but I do believe there are a few different things you can try that can make your life a little easier.
Tips for getting stuff done with a toddler:
1. Involve the Toddler. Yes, you read that right. Let your toddler help! This may make the job twice as long, but you are not only teaching your toddler important skills, but you are spending time with them as well. Jase loves to help pick up piles of dirt with the dustpan. He comes running every time I sweep the floor just so he can help with that particular job. He also loves to help his daddy unload the dishwasher. So, Chad grabs all the glass items as quickly as he can and then lets Jase hand him everything else. Jase loves it! Find small tasks that they can do to “help” you out. It is a great way to keep them occupied so you can work on things that need to be done.
2. Give the Toddler their Time First. I have found that if I have a long list of things to do, and I try to start working on it before I have spent time with Jase he makes it extremely hard for me to get anything done. He is usually following me around the house crying at my feet and asking for me to play. He doesn’t understand, let mommy finish my to-do list first. And it’s hard when that to-do list is screaming at me to be done to set it aside, but if I give Jase his thirty minutes of play time he is a lot more willing to let me get a few things done. He has had his morning snuggles and his morning play time and when he fills like his little love tank has been filled, he’s happy to let mommy get a few things done.
3. Encourage Self-Play. I think it’s really important for the kids to be able to play on their own. We can’t entertain them constantly, and we can’t always be doing what they want us to do. Encouraging them to learn to play on their own for some time, to use their imaginations, is also really important. So I like to turn off the TV and turn on the music and start working on some of the chores for the day. Usually this encourages Jase to head to his play room and look for something to do. He sees that mommy is up and busy, the TV isn’t on, so he goes and explores what he has in his play room. I love listening to him play and imagine things.
What about you? Do you have any tips for keeping the toddler entertained while you work on things at home?
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