It’s what my little peanut says to me when he wants me to pick him up.
We haven’t quite figured out why he says that, I think it might be a combination of the words “up” and “please” or “peas” as he says it. However it came to be, “upease” means he wants up.
When I am sitting on the couch and he runs over to me and points to my lap and utters that cute little word, “upease” I lift him up and set him next to me. But then he starts to whimper and whine because that’s not enough. We are teaching him to communicate instead of burst into toddler tantrums so I ask him, “Jase, what do you want?” He points to my lap and again says, “upease.” Being on the couch with me isn’t enough for him. He wants to be close, he wants to cuddle. With my big belly currently in the way, he settles for being right up next to me, with my arm around him, as long as I am holding him close and tight. That is what “upease” really means.
Let’s be honest. Sometimes “upease” makes me groan. I am working on the computer, or skimming through Facebook, or some other task and I know that I am going to have to stop what I am doing to answer his request. I have my moments where I am not really wanting to do that. But then I remember what’s most important and I set my things aside and lift him up and hold him close.
It’s the little things.
This little thing matters a whole lot to my little peanut. He loves to cuddle and be close, he loves to know that mama loves him. One day it won’t be “upease” anymore. One day he won’t want to snuggle up close. One day sitting next to me might be just enough. Or maybe sitting in the same room will be enough. The thought makes this mama heart ache…
So today, I want to remember these little things and I want to embrace them. At times when it irritates me to stop what I am doing, I’ll remember that it won’t always happen and one day I’ll miss it.
What little thing in your motherhood journey do you need to embrace this week? I am linking up with Sadie Sky and A Mrs. and a Momma today sharing those little things. Won’t you join us?

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