GIRL!!! See our announcement photo here. I am so looking forward to dressing a girl. Jase is even at the point where every time he sees something pink he says “sissy!”
Elyse Ann.
Due Date:
Any day now!! But really, she could come whenever she wants. My C-Section is scheduled for NEXT WEEK! I cannot believe I am saying that. March 31 at 9:15am is my current scheduled time. We have been secretly wishing she would come this week because it’s really hard to have a baby the week of Easter when you are ministry leaders. But, God’s timing is perfect!
Weight Gain:
My starting weight was about 128 and at my Doctor’s appointment this past Monday I was 157. So I am a pound away from 30 pounds…good thing I am having her next week!
She moves a ton. Usually whenever I am thinking I can try and steal a nap she starts moving like a crazy lady and that nap becomes impossible. Her movements are really strong and forceful too. I was just telling Chad she moves twice as much as Jase ever did, which I am not sure if we should be worried or not because that boy is already crazy active.
I finally realized that I have had a craving this entire pregnancy and that is strawberries! I love strawberries – strawberry anything. Strawberry pop-tarts, strawberry cake, strawberry ice cream, strawberries at breakfast. Just give me all the strawberries. I picked up a case from Sam’s this week and it was the sweetest I have had yet, I was so happy!
Indigestion and acid problems times ten. Girl better have a head full of hair.
So. Ready. We have everything done so now it’s just that whole waiting game and I am just so ready to meet her. I am pretty antsy and impatient about it and would love for her to come this week. So I am trying to remind myself to use these moments to soak up my time with Jase before she gets here.
I am much more antsy for her to get here then I was with Jase. I was so calm the final days of my pregnancy with him, just taking it day by day. I was also a lot more comfortable when I was pregnant with him so maybe that is it. I just apparently am not as patient this time around.
Looking Forward to:
Having her here with us and seeing her for the first time. I cannot wait. I cannot wait for Jase to meet her either. I know he is going to love his little sister.

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