We are inching even closer to little man becoming two. I really cannot believe how fast it has gone. Life seems to go by in the blink of an eye when you have kids, and I know it sounds so cliché, but it’s so true. I cannot even begin to describe how much joy becoming parents has brought into our lives. Jase is so full of energy and so full of personality. Some days are hard, and some days are a piece of cake, but everyday is worth it and leaves us overflowing with love.
My little peanut,
You are growing too fast. Whenever I come across a newborn photo of you I cannot believe you were once so small. More and more everyday you are becoming this little boy and losing all that little baby. You will always be my baby though.
You are learning so much. You have so many words now – you are quite the talker. Every Sunday the ladies in the church nursery laugh about how much you talk. They say that you greet every person that comes to the door with a “he-wo” and follow up with a “buh-bye” as they leave. You are constantly carrying on conversations with people around you and you think it is the funniest thing; half the time we have absolutely no idea what you are saying. My favorite thing to do is work on your puzzles and shape/color stacking toy with you. I just love watching you think about the pieces and where they go and it amazes me how smart you are. You can pretty much do them all by yourself now, besides just one puzzle that still throws you off. You are obsessed with Elmo and Choo-Choo’s right now, as you call them. The first thing you ask daddy every day when you see him is to build your train set so you can watch it go in circles before you destroy the track. You’re pretty good at that too.

You have these cute little systems you have developed now. Your plate always has to have the big part closest to you. When you go to bed, you like to make sure your humidifier, heater, and little lightning bug are on, but only after you have put your blankie and baby in your crib. It’s all these little systems you have learned and it just amazes me how much you are growing.
It’s crazy to think how fast the time is going, but I am so excited watching you grow everyday.
Until next month,

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