This post is getting up a little late. Little man has the croup and it has kept me BUSY and EXHAUSTED! I was 30 Weeks last Sunday, so we will already be another week down tomorrow! I also think my iPhone camera is pretty much down for the count on taking good photos. They always look so grainy now!! What a bummer!
GIRL!!! See our announcement photo here. I am really loving every little piece of girl clothing we are getting. Did I mention bows? Give me all the little girl bows!
Elyse Ann.
Due Date:
My due date is April 5, 2015, but we have a repeat C-section officially scheduled for March 31st at 9am! I have somewhat been trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility of her coming early. I just cannot get over the amount of Braxton Hicks that I have been having, compared to none with Jase. I am also kind of praying that if I do go into labor before my scheduled C-Section, that we will know right off the bat if she is going to come on her own, or if we need to continue with the C-section. Just still so much unknowing going forward I am just trusting that God will bring her the right way, in His perfect timing.
Weight Gain:
My starting weight was about 128. At my last appointment I was at 142. So we are looking at a total of 14 pounds so far.
I am starting to feel more and more of those uncomfortable jabs now. A pokey elbow to the rib, or a foot in my lungs. I don’t even know, but she isn’t sweet and gentle all the time.
Still root beer…A&W root beer that is. Why is it just so good? And pop tarts. Strawberry frosted pop tarts. Why?!
Mexican. I couldn’t eat it with Jase either. Every time I have it I have serious acid issues all night long.
I think my tailbone is bruised. I don’t know how, but what I do know is every time I go to sit down it hurts so bad. I have to lean to my side pretty much any where. It takes a very long time to get comfortable. I also think she dropped this week. It’s increasingly hard to walk around and even roll over in bed. There is a lot of pain as I have to move extremely slowly. I felt this exact same thing when Jase dropped lower, so I just feel like it has to be the same thing. Home stretch! I just keep reminding myself that.
The cravings are so different. Very rarely have I craved meat this time around. Actually I am pretty sure I can only count once. And I definitely didn’t have as many acid issues with Jase as I am with this little girl. All I have to say is she better come out with a head full of hair!
Looking Forward to:
Meeting her most definitely. 9 Weeks to go and I cannot wait. But also, getting everything done in her room. I am starting to get so anxious with needing to finish everything. I have to do something every day or I just feel extremely antsy and overwhelmed. Even if all I do is go through the clothes we have to get an idea of what we still need, it really helps. Being busy with a toddler all day sure does make the due date creep up on you!

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