The Pictures and quality are not the best this week. Jase was less than cooperative, an the lighting wasn’t the best. Sorry for the grainy-ness, but this is the best we got for this week! Also, there’s your little nursery teaser. That’s all you will see of it until the big reveal. Insert evil laugh here!
GIRL!!! See our announcement photo here. It is so exciting knowing that we get to experience the best of both worlds.
Elyse Ann.
Due Date:
My due date is April 5, 2015, but we have a repeat C-section officially scheduled for March 31st at 9am! Part of me has this little fear in the back of my mind that she is going to com before that. I have had contractions/Bracxton Hicks pretty daily for the last couple weeks, and I didn’t have a single one with Jase. I keep thinking it’s God’s way of saying I still won’t ever be prepared. She will come before I think I am ready!
Weight Gain:
My starting weight was about 128 I just had an appointment last Friday and I was at 142. That’s five pounds away from my ending weight with Jase, and I have 12 weeks to go. Looks like I might go a little over what I was with Jase, hopefully not too much!
She loves to do flips. I feel like with Jase, I felt kicks, punches, nudges, little forceful jabs. With Elyse, I feel like she is flipping constantly. Her movements just roll across me, it’s quite amusing. She loves to move though. Since she can hear outside noises now, I feel like she responds to Jase’s loud squeals. She’s not going to let herself go unnoticed with her busy big brother.
Give me all the A&W root beer. Guys, I HATE root beer. I don’t drink any soda except for Dr. Pepper. I mean, if they tell me they don’t have it, I might change to Mr. Pibb or a Pepsi, but nothing makes me happy like a good ol’ DP. Christmas dinner at the in-laws and I shared a root beer with my hubby, now I can’t stop drinking it. And it has to be the A&W. They make theirs with “aged vanilla” whatever that means. Guys, I can tell the difference. Give me Mug or whatever else and it doesn’t have that vanilla in there. Trust me, you may not tell the difference, but I do. This craving is serious. And it’s bad. So bad for me. Why must I want soda?! I keep telling myself at least it’s caffeine free, so I haven’t had caffeine in awhile. Yay!?
Nothing really. It feels so good to say that.
SO tired. My energy pretty much went for a walk and hasn’t come back in the last week. I am so tired all of a sudden. I guess that’s a sure sign of the third trimester. My back is still giving me a lot of trouble, that dirty little sciatic nerve isn’t my friend. I also am really finding it hard to breathe at time, she tends to push into my lungs a lot. But really, other than that I am doing pretty good. I feel a little more uncomfortable at this point then I did with Jase, but maybe it’s because I am chasing Jase around all day.
Definitely caring for a toddler all day. That is probably why I am so tired and uncomfortable. She also hangs out in my pelvic area a lot, and it makes it really hard to move. The ligament pains with Jase were terrible, with her it’s more like she’s just in the way from letting me move. It’s really funny when I try to walk fast, I can’t move my legs as fast as I think I can.
Looking Forward to:
Meeting this little girl. We are so close, and it has been going so fast. I am so ready to meet her, hold her, and treasure all those things you get too look forward to with a newborn. We don’t have enough clothes to clothe her for more than a week, I am still hunting for my dream dresser for her room, and I probably should get a mattress for the crib that we actually do have. Her room is painted and the crib is set up, that’s about the extent of being ready for her we are. But still, I cannot wait for her to get here.

You are so cute!! Congrats! I drank Coca Cola all the time when I was pregnant. It helped with the nausea.
Oh I craved soda with my pregnancy too! I wanted it every day but instead of buying it I'd but those sparkly flavored water called "ice" you're soooo adorbs!!
Wow, this is already right around the corner!! So awesome!
Oh my gosh! It is going by so fast!