“She never quite leaves her
children at home, even when she doesn’t take them along.” ~Margaret Culkin
children at home, even when she doesn’t take them along.” ~Margaret Culkin
Have you ever heard that quote? I
remember the first time I heard the above quote I couldn’t believe how true it
was. I don’t know of one girl’s night or mom’s night out that I have been at
where at least one mother has not brought up her children at some point during
the get together. Being a mother makes up so much of who we are. Even on the
rare occasion that we are able to step away from all of our mothering duties,
for whatever amount of time, we take those little humans with us in our heart.
remember the first time I heard the above quote I couldn’t believe how true it
was. I don’t know of one girl’s night or mom’s night out that I have been at
where at least one mother has not brought up her children at some point during
the get together. Being a mother makes up so much of who we are. Even on the
rare occasion that we are able to step away from all of our mothering duties,
for whatever amount of time, we take those little humans with us in our heart.
I can look back at times where I desperately
needed a break. There were moments where just one more minute spent at the
house with my child was going to cause me to crawl in a corner, ball my eyes
out, and pull my hair out all at the same time. Then when my hero of a husband
gets home and sends me out the door, even in all my frustration and feeling
overwhelmed I think of that little man while I am away. I may think of how
happy I am to have time to breathe without him grabbing onto my leg, but I am
thinking of him. He never leaves my mind.
needed a break. There were moments where just one more minute spent at the
house with my child was going to cause me to crawl in a corner, ball my eyes
out, and pull my hair out all at the same time. Then when my hero of a husband
gets home and sends me out the door, even in all my frustration and feeling
overwhelmed I think of that little man while I am away. I may think of how
happy I am to have time to breathe without him grabbing onto my leg, but I am
thinking of him. He never leaves my mind.
Whenever our little ones are not in
our care we have this inclined sense to hear them when they are near. We are in
tune to their cry, their laugh, their call, their voice, their little feet pitter-pattering
just the way they always do. It is a sense every mama has the moment her little
one enters this world. Even when we aren’t listening, we are. There is no way
to escape that intuition and natural extinct that has been placed within us.
our care we have this inclined sense to hear them when they are near. We are in
tune to their cry, their laugh, their call, their voice, their little feet pitter-pattering
just the way they always do. It is a sense every mama has the moment her little
one enters this world. Even when we aren’t listening, we are. There is no way
to escape that intuition and natural extinct that has been placed within us.
It is just another one of those
beautiful attributes of being a mother. No one can hold onto our hearts with
quite the grip that our littles do.
beautiful attributes of being a mother. No one can hold onto our hearts with
quite the grip that our littles do.
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