As mothers I think it can become incredibly easy to get caught up in the “being” a mom. “Being” a mom can easily become about the “doing.” Moms are pretty good at just doing what a mom does. Make meals with one hand, nurse a baby with the other? Done. Clean the house and entertain children? Done. Give baths, bedtime snacks, and that one last drink of water? Done. At the end of the day you think to yourself, “Whew! Today was busy! Today was long! I have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow, but I would not trade it for anything because I love those darling kids with my whole heart. I love being a mom and even sometimes I love doing what a mom does.” Sometimes when you think about how being a mom means you will be doing this every day for the next eighteen plus years, with maybe a few minor changes here and there, it can sound a bit exhausting. Just thinking about it may even require you to need a nap.

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