10 Month – 11 Month Baby Schedule
10 Months
8am – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
8:30am – Breakfast
10:30am – Nap
8:30am – Breakfast
10:30am – Nap
12 noon – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
12:30pm – Lunch
2:30pm – Nap
2:30pm – Nap
4pm – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
5pm – Dinner
8pm – Begin Bedtime Routine
8:30pm – Nurse and down for the night
His total awake time is two-to-two and a half hours before taking a nap and he is officially down to two naps a day. Usually his morning one is longer than his afternoon one, but it tends to differ each day. We eliminated the “dream feed” at 9:30 PM for an earlier bedtime. This brought him down from five feedings a day to four feeding a day which helps gradually begin the weaning process. He is mostly on table foods at this age. Gradually over the course of the tenth month he began to be less and less interested in nursing. So his schedule changed more a week or so before he hit 11 months. This change is mostly brought on by preparing to wean him. The last week or so before he hit 11 months he also hit a really rough sleep regression stage. He has fought naps a lot, sometimes not even sleeping well at night. He has also been trying to cut teeth for a couple weeks now so that has thrown off his sleeping patterns a lot. So be prepared if your little one hits sleep regression, those are NEVER fun.
11 Months
8am – Wake Up, Nurse, Play
8:30am – Breakfast
10/10:30am – Morning Nap
10/10:30am – Morning Nap
12 noon – Wake Up, Lunch
2/2:30pm – Nurse and lay down for nap
4pm – Wake Up, Snack
4pm – Wake Up, Snack
5pm – Dinner
8:00pm – Begin Bedtime Routine
8:30pm – Nurse and down for the night
At 11 months we made the transition to nursing only three times a day. He is eating solids three times a day and sometimes one snack to compensate for less nursing sessions. His afternoon nap seems to be a bit shorter than the morning one, and he can usually stay awake a longer stretch between his morning nap and afternoon nap then he does in the morning before his first nap.
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