Babies thrive on routine and pattern. Having a good bedtime routine with your baby can be exactly what they need to help encourage them to sleep through the night. Keeping your routine consistent and calming will help your baby fall into a pattern and prepare for a good night’s sleep. Spending those moments as a family before bedtime was extremely important to us. We had always talked about wanting to read Bible Stories and pray as a family as part of our bedtime routine before putting all the kids in bed. So we started this right from the beginning! Of course our routine would develop and change over the years, but you can never start too young! It was the perfect way to begin establishing a bedtime routine for all of us from the beginning.
Jase’s bedtime routine always started with a bath during his newborn days. We would give him a warm bath with his lavender baby wash, lotion him down with his lavender baby lotion, and snuggle him in some warm pajamas. We later faded out of doing the bath every night and so we would just get him changed and in some pajamas on the nights we did not bathe him. But the bath really helped him sleep in the beginning, I am convinced it’s why he slept through the night so early!
Then we would sit in the rocking chair and read him a Bible story. We started this when Jase was three months old; we began by working through the Jesus Storybook Bible. Even with how young Jase was, he loved looking through the pictures. Then we would pray together and get him into bed. I love that we have been doing this with Jase from the beginning. Not only does it help calm him down and prepare him for bed, but it is feeding his spirit which is extremely important to us.
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Tips for establishing a bedtime routine for your baby:
Be Consistent.
Include calming activities.
This is why we did the bath for so long. Keeping Jase awake after his bath was hard! He usually was ready to pass out once he had a relaxing bath, so I wasn’t going to mess that up and take it away too early. I made sure he was sleepign through the night really good before we did away with the bath. Reading and keeping the noise level down and the house calm is a great way to set them up for a good night sleep too.
Start early.
The hardest thing about bedtime routines is they take time. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for your baby to calm down, you don’t want to be rushing through your routine. Make sure you start early enough so you aren’t getting them into bed too late and having an overtired baby. No one wins in that situation.
There you have it! Bedtime routines don’t have to be complicated, but they definitely can make a huge difference? What does your bedtime routine look like? If you liked this post, you can find more in my Baby’s First Year series.

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