Part of real motherhood is recognizing when you need a real break. Not a, “Hun will you hang out with the baby while I shower break.” But one of those get up and get yourself out of the house breaks.
I had mine last week.
Jase was still being temperamental with eating. He was getting super distracted all the time. He would cry because he was hungry, so I would feed him. Five minutes later he would stop and want to play. I try to feed him again, he screams. Apparently he’s done. Five more minutes and he’s screaming again because he’s hungry. He doesn’t understand the whole “eat first, play later” concept.
It was testing my patience. Tremendously.
Then he spit up all over me after I got out of the shower, and I lost it. “babe, take him. I’m done.”
And I checked out.
I knew I wasn’t mad because he spit up. He does that all the time, I can handle it. I knew I could have had more patience with him eating, something else was the problem. I needed time for me. I needed to get out, just me, and do whatever I felt like doing. Just me.
So I told my husband that I wanted to go out for a few hours the following day if he wouldn’t mind hanging with Jase since he was off. He had no reservations because he knew I needed that. I mean, no way he could miss that, poor guy.
So I went to the mall. And I went to Starbucks. I was gone three hours, and it was amazing. I came back a new person. I came back more clear headed. I came back refreshed. I came back ready to take on motherhood again. This time, with a lot more patience.
Real motherhood days happen. Those days where you sit back and realize, I have at least 18 years of this (insert more per child here), can I really handle this? Am I going to fail miserably?
No, we won’t. God has called us to this, and just like with anything else He will equip us to be the best parent we can be. He will grace us on our tough days, and He will give us wisdom to know when we need to step away. This is real motherhood.
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Three whole hours + Starbucks sounds like HEAVEN!!!! It has been WAY too long for me….BTW, I'm not on instagram, but the pic of you in your sidebar in the striped dress–super cute dress and you look GREAT! <3
I have never had a break like the one you speak of. I think its about due! hahaha.
Seriously you recognizing that you need a break and ACTUALLY taking one is a huge and wonderful thing! I'm so glad that you recognize that sometimes yes you for sure need to get the heck out of there and have some "you" time…I think it's easy to feel bad about doing that or feeling like you shouldn't need that time…I'm thankful that you're still finding time to replenish you! 🙂
Hey Alessandra! Thanks for stopping by 'Mommy's First Year'!
I hear ya on those mommy breaks!! I was reading a parenting magazine the other day and took a silly quiz that told me I was on the fast track to "mommy burnout"! :/ I need to plan some coffee times out alone again!
How blessed you are to be able to take that break (and that you acknowledged when you needed it and made it happen)! I think many moms don't ever get that far! Thanks for linking up – that was certainly a real motherhood moment!
So great you got that break – and recognized that you needed it. It also helps to remember this is just a season.