Grace saves.
I think this is the most important attribute of grace. Without it, I couldn’t truly experience all that grace had to offer me. It’s only when I come to know my Savior first that I can truly understand His grace. I cannot truly experience grace until I have encountered the giver of grace Himself.
Grace saved me. The God of grace that loves me despite my messed up, imperfect, out of control life sent His son to die for me on a cross the most crucial of all deaths just to save me. Did you catch that? His only son died for messed up me? Why in the world would He do that when I am so messed up?
Because He loves me, simple as that. I am loved by a gracious God.
Jesus took three nails. Jesus was beaten and bruised. Jesus carried a cross on his weary back. Jesus hung on a cross and with His last breaths asked for forgiveness for the very men that were doing this to Him. Why? Because He knew they would never understand exactly what they had done because they couldn’t see the way God saw things. They couldn’t see such a humble person who entered the world the way Jesus did, who said the things that Jesus said, who loved the people that Jesus loved actually being a form of God. They didn’t understand God. They didn’t understand God’s love for us. They didn’t understand just how powerful the grace of God is.
We will never understand just how powerful the grace of God is. But I do know it is by His grace that I have been saved, and that I am truly grateful for.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith…”Ephesians 2:8a (NIV)
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