I am so honored to be writing a blog post for Alessandra. I love her heart and I love her blog. So thankful that I got to meet her through blogging and I am so excited she has become a mother because I know how wonderful and beautiful motherhood is. It is the best job I have ever had.
There is nothing like meeting your firstborn. Nothing. It is life-changing and overwhelming. I remember the first time that I laid eyes on my Josiah. Love just crashed down on me like a mighty waterfall and all I could think of was wow… so this is what it feels like to become a mother. This is what happens when your heart goes outside of your body and from this point on, I am thinking of someone else at all times…their welfare, their safety, their needs, their wants. Even though I was so grateful, I remember feeling the weight of this responsibility and I remember being so fearful that I would mess up…that I would not be able to do this job right.
If I could go back to my 26 year old scared, overwhelmed, “new mom”self , I would comfort her with this advice.
1. Don’t WORRY so much : Becoming a mom brings a whole new set of fears and worries. I remember when Pete and I were leaving the hospital with Josiah and all I could think of was…. NO I want to stay because I still need help. How am I going to do this alone? I was worried I would forget something, I was worried I wouldn’t know what to do if he cried, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to comfort him or give him what he needed. God will give you exactly what you need to become a mom and it really does come naturally! Pray through any fears and leave them in God’s hand. He will work it all out and help you every step of the way. You will realize that each day gets easier and that you will take excellent care of your baby.
2. You will make mistakes and it’s okay: You are not perfect and motherhood doesn’t come with an instruction manual. You sometimes may be naïve and trust the wrong advice from people. Sometimes you will make the wrong choice or not be consistent in discipline or say yes to a question for candy after he asks the 10th time ,BUT then you learn from it and you work at your faults and you let God change you little by little. Each mistake is an opportunity for God to show you, you need Him. He will get the glory from your job as a mother and He will remind you that you aren’t perfect by letting you fall flat on your face and then He will teach you the right way. He wants you to learn about His relationship with you through your relationship with your child. It is a humbling, fulfilling walk.
3. It’s okay to ask for help and to accept help: I don’t know how many times I had would be so prideful and never accept help because I thought I had to do it all. I thought that is what made me a good mom. I believed no one could take care of Josiah like I could. While that may be somewhat true, there are people that I can trust that God has given me to help out with my parenting. If a grandparent wants to watch the baby so you can sleep, say YES. If they want to help by bringing a meal over, say YES. It is okay to accept help and no, you are not less of mom for saying yes to help.
4. Trust your “mommy” instinct:
God give mommies a radar to detect when something is wrong with your child. Listen to it and don’t ever let anyone talk you out of what you feel is strange. You will come to find out that your instincts are never wrong.
5. Don’t take yourself so seriously and cherish the moments:
Don’t worry about housework, texts, phone calls, you just take that preciously little angel baby and snuggle as MUCH as you can. Take naps with him, you will need the rest too! (that is the best advice I ever got) ! Don’t worry if people don’t like you nursing in front of them or if the baby drops his rattle on the floor, picks it up, and puts it in his mouth, he will survive I promise! Enjoy every sigh, every yawn, every nose wrinkle and let the memory be engraved your brain because you will only get it once. Smell that newborn smell over and over because before you know it they will crawl, toddle,walk and run. Savor the blessing of holding a newborn and rejoice with every milestone. Motherhood is the most beautiful and precious gift given to a woman. It is filled with the greatest blessings and joy.
Alessandra, I know you are going to be such a wonderful, excellent mother , not only because you have such a sweet spirit, but because you love God and seek His wisdom! Jase is blessed to have you as his mother!
Amazing post! I love how so many blogging ladies have their heart set on the Lord. It's truly amazing.
I'm trying to center my blog now around the Lord more b/c I truly know that one day it will touch someone