Last week as I was in pre-service prayer for our children’s service that night, I found myself praying that each of us would have the opportunity to be a big part of even just one kids story. The minute I prayed those words, God brought the words “Who’s story could you take part in?” to mind. I quickly jotted them down and have been meditating on them ever since.
Who’s story could you take part in?
I thought back to people who are a part of my story in one way or another. There were teachers who took the time to listen to me in times where I felt no one else was. There was a neighbor who brought me to her house almost every night to make sure I was fed dinner. There were friends who let me into their families when my own didn’t seem to be around. There were people who prayed over me when I didn’t even know it. All of these people were probably just doing something they didn’t think twice about doing. Some of them were even just doing their job. But I can guarantee none of them knew how important they would end up being in my story.
How many kids do I come in contact with on a daily basis that considers me a huge part of their story? What part am I playing in that story?
See, I thought back to all the people who were a part of my story and positive ways, but there are people who are a part of my story in negative ways too. People who put a little girl in situations, carrying burdens a little girl never should. People who spoke hurt into the life of a little girl who was already hurting. People who neglected their opportunity to play a part in a little girl’s story.
Am I missing out on the chance to be a part of a little kid’s story?
I am sure you can think back in life to people who were a huge part of your story. People that helped bring you to where you are now, people who influenced you. So many of those people probably have no idea the big part that they play in your life, some may, but some may not.
Now think of the possibilities and opportunities you have had to be a part of someone else’s story. We all have the opportunity to be a part of another person’s story, but we don’t all take that opportunity.
Everyone has a story, and everyone’s story is important. It’s our stories that we share to encourage people. It’s our stories that we share to lead people to Christ. It’s our stories that we share to make people laugh. It’s our stories that we share to let people know we understand what they are going through. It’s our stories that played a part in making us who we are today. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of someone else’s story?
I challenge you, as I have challenged myself: intentionally look for someone that you could be a part of their story. Why? Because you have something to offer. To a hurting child, I have love to offer. To a broken heart, I have encouragement to offer. To a crushed spirit, I have hope to offer.
What do you have to offer in someone else’s story?
Not only can you become a part of someone else’s story, but they can become a part of yours.
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Love this post, Ally, and I really love the heart behind your blog!!
Wow, thanks for this reminder! Sometimes I forget how important it is to be light for the younger generation!