At this they began to argue with
each other because they hadn’t brought any bread. Jesus knew what
they were saying, so he said, “Why are you
arguing about having no bread? Don’t you know or understand even yet? Are your
hearts too hard to take it in? ‘You have
eyes—can’t you see? You have ears—can’t you hear?’Don’t you remember anything
at all? When I fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread,
how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?” “Twelve,” they said. “And when I fed the
4,000 with seven loaves, how many large baskets of leftovers did you pick up?”
“Seven,” they said. “Don’t
you understand yet?” he asked them
Mark 8: 16-21
Sometimes life can really knock
us off our feet. It seems like we’re standing in a whirlwind of the most
chaotic circumstances that seemed to conveniently take place all at once.
Whether it is just the storms of life you’re facing, financial troubles, family
troubles, whatever it is – it can take a lot out of you. The enemy has a way of
causing us to feel like we’re drowning in the circumstances of life, that we
forget the God bigger than those circumstances. It’s not that we suddenly
become this huge failure of a Christian; it’s just that we suddenly recognize
we’re human. We realize this big mess in front of us, and we don’t see how it’s
going to work itself out. Suddenly, we’ve lost hope. We’ve lost sight of
anything that can get us through this current situation.
us off our feet. It seems like we’re standing in a whirlwind of the most
chaotic circumstances that seemed to conveniently take place all at once.
Whether it is just the storms of life you’re facing, financial troubles, family
troubles, whatever it is – it can take a lot out of you. The enemy has a way of
causing us to feel like we’re drowning in the circumstances of life, that we
forget the God bigger than those circumstances. It’s not that we suddenly
become this huge failure of a Christian; it’s just that we suddenly recognize
we’re human. We realize this big mess in front of us, and we don’t see how it’s
going to work itself out. Suddenly, we’ve lost hope. We’ve lost sight of
anything that can get us through this current situation.
But, in the midst of it all we’ve
forgotten one very important thing. God is still there and He is still bigger
than that circumstance. I am sure that you can think back to a moment in life
where you didn’t think you could make it another day. I am sure you can think
back to a time where you didn’t know how you were going to pay the bills. I am
sure that you can point back to a moment in life where no matter what the
circumstance before you was, it just looked plain impossible. I am sure that
what you’re thinking of right now is the very thing that you got through. The
very thing that you got through is the very thing that God brought you through.
forgotten one very important thing. God is still there and He is still bigger
than that circumstance. I am sure that you can think back to a moment in life
where you didn’t think you could make it another day. I am sure you can think
back to a time where you didn’t know how you were going to pay the bills. I am
sure that you can point back to a moment in life where no matter what the
circumstance before you was, it just looked plain impossible. I am sure that
what you’re thinking of right now is the very thing that you got through. The
very thing that you got through is the very thing that God brought you through.
I was reading this passage of
scripture a little while ago, and it really seemed to jump off the page at me.
I sat there reading it over and over again. The Disciples just witnessed Jesus
perform two of the biggest miracles anyone could have witnessed. Jesus fed a
group of 4,000 beginning with just seven loaves of bread! Wait, it gets
better….He fed 5,000 with five loaves of bread! That’s two less loaves of bread
and an extra thousand people! Not to mention in both instances they had
leftovers! God didn’t just provide, He went above providing! Yet, here the
Disciples are in their boat with one loaf of bread arguing because that’s not
going to feed all of them. I am sure I know exactly what you’re thinking right
now, what are they? Crazy! They just watched Jesus feed thousands of people
with little to no food…twice. Yet, they are complaining about what they are
going to eat. Jesus recalls the miracles He just performed, and then He asks
the Disciples, “Don’t you understand, yet.”
scripture a little while ago, and it really seemed to jump off the page at me.
I sat there reading it over and over again. The Disciples just witnessed Jesus
perform two of the biggest miracles anyone could have witnessed. Jesus fed a
group of 4,000 beginning with just seven loaves of bread! Wait, it gets
better….He fed 5,000 with five loaves of bread! That’s two less loaves of bread
and an extra thousand people! Not to mention in both instances they had
leftovers! God didn’t just provide, He went above providing! Yet, here the
Disciples are in their boat with one loaf of bread arguing because that’s not
going to feed all of them. I am sure I know exactly what you’re thinking right
now, what are they? Crazy! They just watched Jesus feed thousands of people
with little to no food…twice. Yet, they are complaining about what they are
going to eat. Jesus recalls the miracles He just performed, and then He asks
the Disciples, “Don’t you understand, yet.”
This remark that Jesus made
immediately jumped off the page. It would be so easy for me to sit back and
read this thinking, “I can’t believe the Disciples couldn’t trust God after all
they just watched Him do.” But I was immediately reminded of how many times I
can be quick to do the same thing. There have been times where I didn’t know
how I was going to pay a bill, yet God paid my way through college when I had
no job. God provided for every mission’s trip I went on when I was unable to raise
the money on my own. I have watched God perform miracle after miracle in my own
life, yet I still face a new dilemma and ask the same question, “How am I going
to get through this?” My heart was
immediately filled to overflowing with the grace of God as He gently reminded
me that He is always going to take care of me.
immediately jumped off the page. It would be so easy for me to sit back and
read this thinking, “I can’t believe the Disciples couldn’t trust God after all
they just watched Him do.” But I was immediately reminded of how many times I
can be quick to do the same thing. There have been times where I didn’t know
how I was going to pay a bill, yet God paid my way through college when I had
no job. God provided for every mission’s trip I went on when I was unable to raise
the money on my own. I have watched God perform miracle after miracle in my own
life, yet I still face a new dilemma and ask the same question, “How am I going
to get through this?” My heart was
immediately filled to overflowing with the grace of God as He gently reminded
me that He is always going to take care of me.
The Disciples even had moments
where they questioned how they were going to make it through the night, and I
just shared with you that I have done the same. I believe God was gently
nudging me and saying that just about everyone does this at one point in their
lives. So I am here to tell you, that the same God that fed the 4,000 is the
same God that fed 5,000. The same God that fed 5,000 is the same God that can
feed the Disciples through the night. The same God that can do all that is the
same God that can provide that miracle for you in your life right now. Don’t be
quick to forget what He has done in your life before, but trust that He is
going to continue to take care of you. God cares for you – He won’t let you
where they questioned how they were going to make it through the night, and I
just shared with you that I have done the same. I believe God was gently
nudging me and saying that just about everyone does this at one point in their
lives. So I am here to tell you, that the same God that fed the 4,000 is the
same God that fed 5,000. The same God that fed 5,000 is the same God that can
feed the Disciples through the night. The same God that can do all that is the
same God that can provide that miracle for you in your life right now. Don’t be
quick to forget what He has done in your life before, but trust that He is
going to continue to take care of you. God cares for you – He won’t let you
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