Spending a substantial amount of time at as a stay at home mom can have a significant impact on your mood. We are a one car family, and I work from home, which doesn’t allow for much time out of the house. All that time stuck in the house, with little to no adult interaction, can really start to wear on the emotions, especially during the winter. I really believe stay at home mom blues is a real thing. Over the last few years I have found that there are some things I can do every day to really help my mood be in a better place. It’s really easy to find yourself with a lack of motivation when you are home every day, but the more you allow yourself to fall into that trap the more it effects your mood. If you find yourself battling those stay-at-home blues there are a few simple things to do that are sure to help.
Tips to Battle Stay at Home Mom Blues
Make your bed. I know it sounds silly, and I probably sound a little like your mom, but it’s true! I remember someone telling me once that if her day was out of control, the simple act of making her bed made her feel like things were a bit more put together. I cannot stress how true that is! Just walking into my bedroom seeing the bed made makes me feel accomplished, even if it is all I managed to do. Plus, when I sneak in there to eat chocolate away from the kids it looks clean!
Go to bed with a clean kitchen. At the end of the day take a couple minutes to get the dishes out of your sink, wipe down the counters, and run the broom. When you wake up in the morning and have a clean kitchen to start your day you will feel way better. It helps you feel like you started the day ahead instead of already behind.
Open the blinds. Don’t be a ground hog, let the sunlight in your home! The more you can soak in some Vitamin D, the more cheerful you will feel. This is especially true for those long winter months.
Set a routine. Give yourself a little structure to your day. Take control of your time and don’t let it control you. This will help you be more productive and feel accomplished for the day. Even if you aren’t a schedule kind of person, this will make a huge difference.
Find five minutes to yourself. If you know your kids wake up at 8AM every day, wake up at 7:30 or even 7:45. Being able to slowly wake yourself up, have a little time to breathe, and just relax before having to tend to everyone else can really help. You are just as important as everyone else, and we tend to forget that sometimes. If mornings don’t work, sit in silence for a bit during nap time or at the end of the day. Remember, take care of yourself too!
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These things probably sound like a no brainer, but sometimes we need the reminder. It’s amazing what just a few small changes can do to help your day. If you’re battling the stay at home mom blues, I challenge you to give it a week, try these five things every day, and see if it makes a difference. These simple tasks you can do every day can really boost your mood.
What about you? Do you have any tips you would add to this list?
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